Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thanks Everyone!

Well, I managed to sort of delurk a couple. I guess these are the people that guilt works on. The others? What will work for them? I will have to keep thinking...

But I LOVED hearing from you! And I learned stuff too! I had forgotten about Sally kicking Noah, and I CAN'T believe that Joolee actually told impressionable young children youth group gossip! (you know...Joolee from Spot on the Sopha...I just can't do any linking tonight...sorry guys...) Thanks, Sally, for delurking. And I *may* make a real (as in not fake) facebook account just for you.

And I love how my dad and Karla talk about DJs like they know them. I do that too, but I, of course like actually know them. Or not. I love sugar too. When you get home, lets eat sugar together. Just you and me.

I laughed about Mrs. Jo needing to wash dirty feet. I just don't look at my kids feet. What YOU don't know won't kill THEM, right? I am totally with you on the mice. They freak me out with their constant movement and beady eyes and rat like features.

And M@? (see, I can be a geek too!) I may start always counting with 0. Just because I think it is cool- in a software engineer kind of way. I already use military time, so why not? It boosts my ego to know that you read my blog and comment. But may I ask you, where is your sweet wife?! She is purposely doing this to me...lurking...isn't she? Just to get under my skin? It is unnerving. Quick, Becki, what author always has people giving aspirin to kids in her books? Can you still not respond? WHAT WILL IT TAKE? Or, horror of horrors, do you not even read this?!

I like my mom's color quirkiness. She is definitely good at art and deciding on paint colors and stuff. And that combined with the weeding certainly makes keeping her around a good idea. Just kidding mom. That is not all I still need you for!

Heather- call me up and we will go to Dairy Queen together! And then run or something?! And I am so glad to know about the "No-ah", "Yes-ah" thing. I think it is definitely helpful in making points and I think it sounds absolutely professional :)

And Grandma Debbie...oh no! You notice what people wear?! Why did I not know that? Now I am never going to be able to wear goldenrod yoga pants to your house ever again! And my children? Does that mean that you remember all of the weird combinations I have had them in over the years? I like the witty, clever stuff in the dreams. I wish I was witty and clever in my dreams but I am almost always running from murderers. Must.keep.running.

Elise- I am totally with you on number six (or in M@'s world, number 5. Wait, why is M@ suddenly hyperlinked? Where does it go? I goes it is not. It just turned blue and underlined itself. Or did I do that?) Anyway, I don't like to squish bugs either. I wish my clothes were organized like that and oh what song should I try to get stuck in your head? How about "Dora, Dora, Dora the Explorer..." :)

Genna, Genna, Genna. You are quirky, aren't you? But you remind me of your brother and I rather like him, so it is all good :) At least I know where to get fruit snacks the next time the boys need a haircut. And, BTW, I am a physical contact to the minimum person myself. You third borns... :) Good thing I have lots of babies to hand people to take the hugs for me.

Thanks for getting your comments in so that I could move on to other topics. I was getting nervous that I was going to have to make up 7 people and make up 7 quirks about each of them so that I could start blogging again. I was starting to withdraw big time. I did get my laundry folded though :) Yeah! Clean underwear for all. Even for those in the family that don't use it.


The Three 22nds said...

I should have gotten in on that action

1. I too like to pull weeds. The other day our whole family was at the park and there were lots of tall weeds in teh play area. I pulled a lot of them. A mom was like, "Do you work for the park?" No, I just like to pull weeds. It's something to do with how they resist, but then the satisfaction of feeling the roots let go and the whole thing comes up in your hand...

2. I've been known to dream in, at one time or another, math/physics equations, playing cards and computer code (COBOL was the worst).

3. I like to drink lots of...anything. Cold. Water, juice, pop, tea, doesn't matter. The more the better. Which is one of the reason I don't consume much alcohol.

4. In sports, I like positions where I have to throw my body in front of balls. Catcher and first base in baseball, goalie in broomball and soccer.

5. When I play games, even games without a shred or role playing in them, I still will make up character and back stories...Look at this beautiful blue settlement, nestled in the trees at the foot of this mountain. A great spot to live, make a living and raise a family. I wish Blue Mayor would hurry up and make a trade arrangement with Red Governor for some bricks so that we can extend our road up the coast...

6. I'd rather eat dough than cookies. Maybe that's not that quirky. But it could be. Like when, and not for a long time, I buy the sugar cookie dough in a can just to eat it.

7. I drive a diesel car. Not some big honking Cumins diesel truck, just a little VW with a 4-popper diesel. People say, "Wow, you must drive that for the great gas miliage." I say, "yes, the miliage is great." And it is great. But that's not why I do it. I do it because [almost] nobody else does.

Anonymous said...

Turning a one-syllable word into a two-syllable word is a pet peeve of my sister – so much so that they have a saying in their house: “’No’ is a one-syllable word!”

Matt said...

It was nice to see that a lot of people have quirks, especially similar ones that I have (there are so many more I didn't list), makes me feel less weird (and that OCD might be more wide-spread than I thought!)

Julie, I'll have to let Becki know you called her out in your blog post, and I *KNOW* she knows the authors name, because I've heard her talk about him/her on a couple occasions. Also, I think M@ became a hyperlink because of the "at" sign, it assumed it was an email address so it included the sendto HTML tag for easy email purposes (at least that's my geek theory)

Noah, I agree about the cookie dough, much better than the actual cookies. I also like how you create background stories, you'll have to fill me in on what's happening next time we play Settlers.

The Three 22nds said...

Matt, you should hear the ones I make up when I am pulling weeds. :)

EDW said...

Hi Julie! Just in case you didn't notice, I created an identity with the name you gave me=-) The answer to your question is: Dee Henderson! Seriously, I don't know why there is a reference to aspirin in every one of the books in the O'Malley Series. Kind of reminds me of Anne of Green Gables when her story gets submitted with the addition of using some brand of baking powder for a cake, and being some tie-in to the romance. Anyway, you have delurked me=-) Talk to you soon!

hcomstock said...

Yes, Dairy Queen is a must!! Maybe you can help me get back into running, I've only been walking for the past 3 months or so! Nice to see you today, even if it was for 30 seconds! :)