Monday, September 15, 2008

Kate's Parody

I'm back to the parodies. Remember that contest? I was planning to time release them to appear during the weekend while I was gone...but I didn't get that far. Then I was planning to post them while on vacation from the fabulous Wi Fi at the hotel. But the connection was pretty slow, so that didn't happen. (funny isn't it? you get so used to a fast connection that if a screen takes longer then say, 10 sec, to appear you think something is wrong).

Any, this parody by Kate is so appropriate for the day after the end of my last vacation for the year. So sad.

Sing this one to the tune of Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. (I think you all know it already?) Oh, can anyone else guess what my favorite line in this one is?

Thanks for entering, Kate! (and lurking :) Everyone else, enjoy!

Beach Bums Roasting on the Lake Shore

Beach bums roasting on the lake shore
The hot sun frying your skin
Kids squealing and giggling more
And folks wearing suits too thin

Everybody knows a hot dog and kool-aid
Help to stretch the summer far
Tiny tots covered in sand
Exhausted and fall asleep in the car

They know that school’s on its way;
It’s loaded with lots of tests and homework all day.
And every mother’s child is going off,
To see if all knowledge has been lost.

And so I’m offering this mournful phrase,
To kids from grade twelve to one
Although it’s been said many times, many ways
Farwell summer, the fun is done


Heather of the EO said...

Shut up. I so came in last in this contest. What fun!

Unknown said...

I have no idea what your favorite line is...I could think of a few...