Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Walgreens (confession on hold)

My scanner is still not working, so I am going to see if Noah can get it going before I write about myself in grade school.

Deacon and I went to Walgreens last night. We drive past it almost daily, but I never go there. Lately, however, I have been motivated to look into their coupon deals and so last night was my first trip into the world of couponing and register rewards. I am not sure it is my thing.

I don't particularily like messing around with coupons. I sometimes feel like I could take the time I would take cutting coupons and searching for the right products in the store and just work a couple more hours a week and I would end up quite a bit ahead. Anyway, I did get some good deals and so I feel slightly more interested in the whole thing. I am always up for a challenge.

Deacon had been so excited about going to Walgreens with me. He kept telling everyone he was going to Walllgreens and he practically pulled me out the door. He got really quiet when we pulled into a parking spot, however. Finally he spoke. "Mom. This store doesn't have green walls. I thought it would have green walls. Why would they call a store Walgreens if it doesn't even have green walls??!!" I laughed and laughed and told him that would be a good idea, but that it was probably named after someone or something and had nothing to do with the color of the walls. Anyway, he perked up when we got inside and talked incessently the rest of the time.


joolee said...

Too funny! I know it can be a lot of work, but for a full-time stay at home mom like me, it makes me feel like at least a productive member of my family. And it's kinda like a treasure/scavenger hunt, combining as many rebates and coupons as possible. I find it's least frustrating to go Sunday morning right after church when most things are still in stock (and Steve can entertain all the kids in the car for a half hour:O)

The Three 22nds said...

That is a good idea. We go right by there after church... and that is what is stressful: trying to look for the right product while someone is trying to launch their little body from the cart and the other one is running down the aisle and the other one is doing their own shopping. With my cart and my money.

Unknown said...

what a smart kid!I think I can guess your confession!

Heather said...

I love the "green walls" comment! It can take some work to shop at Walgreen's, as you noted. Maybe try going the weeks that have the best deals and skipping other weeks, as we do? Or doing the deals where you don't have to clip newspaper coupons--there are plenty of those. Good luck!