Sunday, August 24, 2008

Backyard Pictures


Rachel said...

I've been following you and your boys for awhile now and have enjoyed hearing about life with 3 boys! We're expecting baby #3 in a few weeks (hopefully) and while I don't know for sure, I'm anticipating being mom to three boys! And I just started my own blog today!
Rachel Schwendinger (formerly Fredrick)

LS said...


Did you send out clothes with my in-laws? The reason I ask is because they brought several bags of things from MN and didn't know where or who any of it came from and if some was from you, I wanted to say THANK YOU!

Also, to finally get around to your ? I will say that because the reservation borders our town, there are many, many births in our hospital to single moms, teens, etc. I would estimate about half to 3/4ths of boys are circumcised and about 75% of women have some kind of pain relief for birth, most getting the epidural. I found your comment very interesting on trends around the country.