Friday, August 29, 2008

Some tatoo considerations for the masses

I was walking behind this guy on the track at the Y. Note: my ego insists that I tell you I was only walking behind him because I had just finished a grueling run and was on my cool down. Ego, ego...why must I share that?

Anyway, this gentleman in front of me had some tattoos. The tats were somewhat different sizes and shapes but he had one on each of his upper arms. The problem was that they weren't even, nor were they in definitely different places - they were, well, they made me feel like he was walking with one shoulder hitched up.

lesson learned: think about placement when adding a second tattoo

I see a lot of tattoos at work. It is mostly older men that have pictures of naked women on their arms. The problem with this is, although the women, in all their green glory, were probably just stinkin' cool back in the day - they are now close to beyond recognition. This can lead to some awkward moments. "what is this on your arm? Oh it is a tattoo! What is it supposed to be?! Ohhhhh...I see"

lesson learned: think about all stages of your life before getting a tattoo

Another interesting situation is an old man that has a woman's name (clearly a "close companion") tattooed on their bodies. Generally speaking it is not the name of the woman that is at their bedside holding their hand and wiping their forehead.

lesson learned: if you are going to get a name on you, it may be better to choose a pet's name or a child's name or even your own name... at least you know that you will always be with you...or something like that...

The most interesting situation is young men that have a woman's name boldly tattooed on them but then we find out that that particular woman is the cause of their admittence to the ICU. This is another case of the need to make sure the relationship is a good, solid, steady, reliable one before you stick it under your skin with ink.

lesson learned: see above. If you must have a name, pick a girlfriend who's name is one with a double entendre so that you can quick switch to the alternate meaning if things go sour with the girlfriend. (for example: Barbie (claim you have close ties with mattel), Babe (say it is a reference to the pig), Carolina (from the state) etc.)

And no, in case you were wondering, I don't have a tattoo. My husband doesn't like them, and since I have been kind of with him since 7th grade, I haven't had any great opprotunities to get one. But they do fascinate me.

1 comment:

Heather of the EO said...

I just have to say that you are such a delight to read!
I love the random things you think about.
And you've been together since 7th grade???
HOLY COW, that's so cool. I really mean that. I love childhood sweetheart stories.
Happy Sunday,