Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Quote of the Day

"Taking care of kids actually isn't that hard. But it can make everything else in life nearly impossible."

"In my experience, caring for my kids has turned out to be something I can do with plenty of time left to goof around in a low-grade way- in other words, it's a slacker's paradise. As Dave Barry once quipped, taking care of children is laughably easy, provided you don't try to do anything else. (that is why I give kudos to moms who work at home or outside of it.)

-Fernanda Moore, Parenting September 2008

(it feels so freeing to document the quote however I want and to not be bound by research paper rules...)


Anonymous said...

True, it isn't that hard...it is actually kind of fun. Especially if you take part in all the activities...swimming, biking, playing at playgrounds, building with legos or snow, making art and other projects,being silly,kissing babies,reading hilarious/interesting books, watching them play and discover and learn etc.etc. It COULD be a slacker's pardise IF you weren't continually feeding them and being on guard for disasters, cleaning up unavoided messes,trying to prevent injuries or fights, and watching for those golden moments-opportunities to teach them right from wrong and respect for authority, to refine attitudes and characteristics, discover talents, and teach them about God's love, his salvation, eternal truths...
You're doing a great job N&J!

Heather of the EO said...

Today I would like to say it's HARD!
But I get it. Easy at the same time... weird.
I LOVE the quote--so true, it's easy "provided you don't try to do anything else."
Ironic how I posted today about parenting and balancing other stuff.
ooooh, we're connected! (:
Nice to "meet" you!