*We are going through serious, serious post vacation syndrome. The kids have been beyond whiny, cranky and naughty. Lincoln came down with a cold and everyone is sleep deprived. The house is a disaster. Noah and I almost had to call in some reinforcements this morning- but instead we took the kids (under protest) to Kid's Stuff at the YMCA. Thank goodness they were handing out ice cream right when we got there. This afternoon Noah and I decided the best thing to do would be to divide them up to cut down on the fights. Noah took Deacon swimming, Lincoln is napping and Roman is watching "super babies". I know they need sleep, but the problem is they have been taking naps, which they don't normally do, and they are not falling asleep until late. Then they need naps the next day and it all spirals downward. So today, NO DAYTIME SLEEPING! Just an early bedtime... (yes, I also know I should be cleaning, not blogging- but when you blog something, it stays blogged. When you clean something, it just gets messy again. In about 2 seconds. But now, back to vacation...*Dear Diary,Well, the kids didn't get to sleep until late last night. I guess they were too excited and that accompanied by some car napping led to a late night. At least they were up in the loft in their bed giggling and letting us have some downtime. This morning Noah made us blueberry pancakes. Gotta love a man who cooks. We wandered down to the Marina after breakfast.
The plan was just to look at the water, but that lasted for about 3 seconds. Then it only took about 3 minutes of wading before someone fell in and it was all over. Laundry hating mom that I am, I refused to change their clothes and told them they would eventually dry or get wet again. They did.
Lincoln was determined to throw his brother's croc into the Lake and to swim after it. I spent a lot of time like this throughout the trip. I don't mind necessarily if he gets wet, but it was 9 in the morning and I only had so many diapers.
Next, we headed for Bayfield and the playground by the Marina. Noah took a lot of really cute photos of the boys playing. They thought it was a great park, and it was.
For all of us.Aunt Elise hung out with us at the playground. Roman really clung to her because her name sounds like Alicia, who is, of course, Diego's sister. Roman always pretends to be Baby Jaguer, so it just makes since that Elise AKA Alicia, would be the one pushing his stroller and helping him with his 2 year old agenda.
After the playground we spoke with some of the relatives that had been browsing the cute little shops. We don't go to those places. It would be like having 3 bulls in the china shop. The public bathrooms were amusing because the hand dryer air came out VERY forcefully and the boys were incredibly amazed by it. After eating lunch we headed back to the cabin.
Lincoln laid down for a nap, and I got the pleasure of remaining in the cabin with him. Noah took the boys down to the Marina again for some swimming. They had a great time jumping off the rocks and swimming underwater. Later, Noah stayed with Lincoln and Chris, Debbie, Genna, Aunt Julie Aunt Trish, Deacon, Roman and I went down to the Marina and the boys swam some more. Hopefully they will go to bed ok tonight. Noah and I have a hankering for a Settler's game.
Until later,
that does look like a fun park!
So true about what is blogged, stays blogged...,.what is cleaned, might stay cleaned 5 minutes. SO TRUE!
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