So I am praying for a little friend for Lincoln and for a little boy to be a friend for Roman. Roman is always trying to keep up with Deacon and his friends and I think it would be good for him to have a friend of his own. Most of the people we know that are his age are little girls. Which is fine, but it would be nice for him to have a friend that is a boy too.
Anyway, all that wasn't the point of this post.
The other day while Noah and I were passing like two ships in the night, we split up some errands. He took Lincoln with him and I took Deacon and Roman with me. What a glorious taste of freedom! They are both in booster seats, and while I still have to click Roman in, it is just one single click and they can open the door and climb into their own seats! They can unbuckle themselves and get out themselves. I didn't have to carry anyone.
And I thought to myself, "what if I had stopped at 2? I would be living in a diaper free house, I wouldn't have to deal with naptimes. I wouldn't have to try to strong arm someone into their carseat!"
And then I came home. And Lincoln was jumping into a pile of leaves, just like his brothers.

And Lincoln was picking up leaves, 2 at a time, and putting them into the bag- just like his brothers.
oh Julie you almost brought me to tears...yes keep having those cute babies(: Those pictures are precious and he is so big!
He's sooo cute!
I've thought before how much easier life would be with just my first two. But a quick look at my little man reminds me how blessed I am and how much fun it is having a baby around even if it is a lot of work.
Ah yes, perspective. It helps to remind ourselves from time to time that we're not wiping noses and changing diapers; we're nurturing eternal souls.
I love these pictures. So cute!
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