Monday, November 10, 2008

Bad. Very. Very. Bad

Things are not so good around here...

I got no time to post, but just wanted you all to know...

(this is not the worst bad I can think of, not even close. Just not a good start to the week. The week where I was going to be running 5 miles a day, getting up early, getting through my piles and turning my kids into Preschool stars)


joolee said...

So are we supposed to guess what exactly is so. very. very. bad?

You were busily sucking the cream out of a delicious donut (left over from your meeting with the fruitarians) while on one of your insane runs, enjoying it so thoroughly that you failed to see a patch of black ice. Now you have a broken leg AND you just discovered that you are unexpectedly pregnant with twins and becoming more nauseous by the minute. Not that getting pregnant is a bad thing. Just that you need a few days to get used to the idea.

Am I right?

Unknown said...

I started off a hard week too....but I made a paper chain with my class...a countdown to Christmas break...30 days TOTAL and then add 2/3 days to that and you get to see me!