If I can finish all my day's work in a day, then I am not dreaming big enough.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Overalls vs Jean Jumper
Friday, November 28, 2008
A Few Things I Am Thankful For Tonight
But tonight I am also thankful that:
1. The parking lady in the lot where we were ripped off did not hear Deacon say, "boy that lady is REALLY old!"
2. Roman only stood on the dead bird. He did not sit on it or pick it up.
3. The strange smell in the air which I thought was the dead bird was not actually the dead bird.
4. The strange smell that Noah was convinced was actually our child, wasn't.
5. I have a nose to smell,
6. And that I have a respirator type Darth Vaderesque mask to wear so that I can't smell the stripper that we are STILL using on our floor in the basement.
Happy Late Thanksgiving, Everyone.
I hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What I Need
However, the thing that is currently on my mind is The Return Day.
I gotta tell ya, there is a lot of stuff in my house that is not mine.
I currently have DVDs from 2 neighbors and my in laws.
I have a Dora suitcase that belongs to a little girl I watch.
I have tupperware and cookie sheets that are my moms.
I have other stuff that is my moms. We play hot potato with some items.
I think that I still have my sister's high school track shorts. She doesn't read this though, so shh.
I have an anonymous gray hooded jacket. (Is that yours Deimel-Lurker? How was DC, by the way?)
I have hot pad holders from church that I washed. I have AWANA books and Sunday School books that I need to bring back.
I have plastic fencing from another friend.
I have Becki's snowflake Christmas cards from 2 or 3 years ago.
Oh, and a stack of written thank you notes from Lincoln's birth 18 months ago that I apparently forgot to send. Sorry Misty, Jamie, Dana, Blairs and more. They got kind of damp, and I doubt you want them now.
And that is all just the stuff that I am willing to admit that I still have.
So I am calling for a Return Day.
I have not yet decided when it will be, but when I do I am going to load the boys up and just drive around and return things all day.
In conclusion, I have 3 questions for all my lurkers and readers out there.
1. What do you have that you need to return?
2. What are some other return-themed activities that we could do on Return Day?
3. What do I have that is yours and you want back? (ok, Deimel-Lurker: I am holding your Burt's Bees lip gloss captive, but I did return the yoga pants :)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Christmas Survey
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Paper- I like glitzy with lots of bow and ribbons. Last year I used old retro paper someone gave me. It saved me a lot of money. I am not sure which route I will go this year.
2. Real tree or Artificial?
Real Tree. I like artificial, but Noah puts his foot down :)
3. When do you put up the tree?
Early to mid December. Due to the ages and destructiveness of a certain child (who broke eggs on the kitchen floor today while I was changing the laundry around), it may be quite late this year.
4. When do you take down the tree?
As soon as possible after Christmas! I am kind of a scrooge.
5. Do you like egg nog?
I can take it or leave it.
6. Favorite gift received as a child?
I guess there are none that stand out as so much better then any others. I got the sweater with the puffy polar bears on it one year. We got doll cribs one year. I got this armitron thing once that you could pick up things with it and move them other places. I liked that.
7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yes. It is ceramic and Noah and I painted it ourselves. He did the cow and the donkey and I did everything else.
8. Hardest person to buy for?
Noah is hard. His family is harder :) No offense, guys.
9. Easiest person to buy for?
The boys because they just love new things.
My sisters because they don't buy much for themselves.
My mom because she has so many interests.
10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail. Because it seems right. I suppose supporting the postal service is a good thing. BTW, my photo cards are already ordered. It is the one thing I am ahead on this year.
11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
I am actually easy to shop for. I like most things and don't complain about my gifts. I also don't return things. It is a GIFT for crying out loud. No one OWES me anything. So who cares if it is not perfect?
12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
It's a Wonderful Life
13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?
Not that comes to mind.
14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
I like a small portion of Rommegrut. Cranberry fluff (especially for breakfast) and cookies.
15. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
16. Favorite Christmas song?Mary Did You Know
17. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Usually go to my parents close by. Sometimes we will make the trek to Iowa, but the 3 little boys make it a lot of work.
18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers?
Yes. And all the states too. Which is more important?
19. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
Both and several other times too.
20. Most annoying thing about this time of year.
Everything. Like I said, I am kind of a scrooge. I like the holidays, but they require so much EXTRA WORK, EXTRA STRESS and EXTRA MONEY. I liked them more when I was younger and I could sit around and eat cookies all day and do puzzles.
21. Favorite ornament theme or color?
Noah and I both have a lot of ornaments from our childhoods that we like to talk about every year as we put them on the tree. I like mine from my Great Aunt Hazel. Tradition is to eat chinese after we decorate the tree.
22. Favorite food for Christmas dinner?
Didn't I already answer this? It doesn't matter. Really, anything is fine by me.
23. What do you want for Christmas this year?
Lap top, Keen shoes, socks with no holes, a telephone that doesn't keep falling apart. I don't need any of those things though. All I really need is to somehow figure out a way to keep my sanity for the next month!
As always, feel free to leave your own interesting answers (maybe not the whole survey :) in the comments section!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Start of Picture Weekend
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Lincoln and the Audiologist
According to the tests and charts for child development, Lincoln is at about a 9 month level for speech, even though he is 18 months. At his 15 month check up he was not saying any words. Not mama, not dada, not hi. He screeches a lot and waves frantically.
Since his 15 month check he has added mama and dada and something that sounds like banana to his repatoire.
I have not been that concerned because Deacon and Roman both talked very late. In fact, I had the school district out to evaluate Deke's speech at 27 months because he had only about a 12-15 word vocabulary. It just took him awhile to get going. He does stutter, and I imagine that is/was part of the slow talking.
But I decided, after thinking about it, that getting his hearing checked couldn't hurt. Just to be safe.
I've been trying to get time to post about this, and today was going to be the day. This morning octamom was doing a guest post on her daughters trip to the audiologist and her discovery that her daughter has severe hearing loss (years ago). The posting seemed well timed.
Just as Octamom did, we went into this little sound proof room and he sat there on my lap watching the lady through the thick glass. The room was relatively dark. Out of speakers in different corners of the room would come sounds: the ladies voice, white noise, music, barks. All at different pitches. She observed his reactions. He was done before she was.
15 minutes sitting on my lap in that hot, hot booth was enough for him.
So the test was over.
She said she didn't notice any major problems.
He did have fluid on his ears, but he is getting over a cold and she said that could account for it.
He was hearing the main things he needed to hear.
But since he quit before it was over, she wasn't able to be as thorough as she would have liked to be. So she is recommending that we come back in 2 months to retest. And at the same time check on the fluid levels.
So we now know 2 things:
1. He can at least partially hear
2. We have to go back to that hot booth.
I think I will send Noah.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I Write Posts in My Head
I have a lot of pictures on my camera, but I don't know how to get them to my computer.
Well, I kind of do.
But not knowing how to put stuff on the computer is my one indulgence.
It is the one thing that I am not in charge of.
Noah is in charge of it.
The only responsibilities I have chosen to completely forgo in our home are getting media on my ipod and dealing with the camera in any way other then picking it up and shooting pictures. Once the pictures are on the computer I am responsible for them, but as long as they are on the camera they are out of my hands.
I love saying to him sweetly when he gets home, "Noah, will you please fill my ipod with interesting stuff and then will you please get the pictures that are on the camera blog ready?"
And you know what? I think he likes the responsibility.
(and this way he can innocently and casually put all the sermons he thinks I should hear right onto my playlist)
November 19, 1999
It was a cold night in Rush City.
My mom had made me a new dress.
Noah sent flowers over.
He proposed on one knee on a bridge.
He had no plan, just made it up as he went along.
Because that is the way he rolls.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Pout
He is climbing things and opening things and turning things on that he is not supposed to climb on, open and touch.
Today he was opening the refrigerator. I told him not to and he continued. I got more firm with him and he turned around and walked away. I was pleasantly surprised, but only for a moment.
He turned and looked at me with The Pout.
And I said, "Don't do it Lincoln. Don't go there. If there is one action that you could take to make my sympathy for you disappear quickest, it would be The Pout".
I tell Roman to do something and he will occasionally do it, or he will occasionally look at me defiantly and say, "no ma'am". I can deal with that. I know he needs to obey, and we don't let it rest at "no ma'am". But at least he is willing to stand up for himself. He lets me know his intentions. He is bold.
But The Pout?
The Pout doesn't show a willingness to stand up for his little self. It doesn't show a boldness. Instead, by employing it he is attempting to use a passive aggressive measure to get his own little way.
And it is not going to work with us.
(I would post a picture, but I refuse to take a picture when he is pouting).
Noah is Officially 30
Vulcan nerf machine gun (NOT from me)
WII playground games game
We are all trying to keep him young, I guess.
All in all we had a nice weekend.
Oh- Lincoln has his audiologist appointment this afternoon. Soon we will know how well he can hear!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Noah is Funny (and so are the boys)
I am rarely silly.
And if I am, the boys laugh and Noah gives me his one eyebrow lift look.
So I try to stick with just being occasionally funny. And it is usually just funny in my own head.
And Noah is kind of funny.
But never silly.
The boys are both.
Real Life Conversations at Our House:
Julie- "what should we get your dad for his birthday?"
Deke- "I think he may like a gun. But I am not sure why he would need one. It is not like he goes out into the forest to shoot bears or anything."
J- "yeah, he really doesn't, does he?"
Julie- "we need to make Daddy's birthday cakes."
D- "what are we going to put on them? John Deers?"
J- "I don't know if Daddy likes John Deere"
R-"oh, he does." (with a knowing, earnest look)
Julie- "Remember, it is Daddy's birthday tomorrow."
D- "Is he going to be a Grandpa now?"
J-" No, turning 30 doesn't make you a grandpa. He won't be a grandpa until one of you has a baby."
D- "I just don't know who I should marry."
J- "That's ok, you don't have to decide now."
D- "Why, because I don't have to choose anyone because I am not a grownup yet?"
J- "right"
D- "I think I will marry Erica (his aunt)"
J- "I don't think that will work, sweetie"
D- "Yeah, I kind of don't think I will grow up fast enough for that."
from the backseat:
D- "Where do you think we are going out to eat for Daddy's birthday?"
J- "I don't know. He gets to pick" (notice the lack of silliness. And funniness.)
D- "I hope it is Green Wind Meals!" (Green Mill)
R- "How about Space Aliens!" (said with a slightly scary hiss)
D- "Daddy is not going to want to go there! I hope he doesn't want to go to Taco Bells." (yes, he always adds an 's' to Taco Bell)
D- "mom, can you tell him that I like everything on the menu at the King place?"
J- "Burger King?"
D- "Yes"
D again- "What is the name of that fish place?"
J- "Long John Silvers"
D- sighs. "What a great name."
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Roman's Preschool
And he likes me to spend money.
You see, I am very frugal. And he isn't.
So getting me to spend money on myself helps make him feel less guilty about the stuff he buys.
It is a totally healthy relationship.
Anyway, he is afraid to buy me roses on Valentine's Day because he knows that me knowing that he bought them at such an exorbitant price, using OUR money would ruin V. Day for me.
But before we were married it was ok, because it wasn't OUR money, it was HIS money and flowers for me seemed a better purchase than more accessories for his Jesse Ventura doll.
On my 16 birthday he brought me 2 roses. A red one and a white one.
We weren't really dating, he just thought I should have roses. I think it was a well calculated move. If things ever did end up working out, it would be a positive start to the relationship, and if things didn't really work out he was probably only out like 6 bucks or something.
So that is what he tends to buy if he buys roses. A red one and a white one.
But he doesn't usually buy roses. He usually buys cheaper flowers.
You know what?
They are just as pretty, just as thoughtful and it definitely leaves more money for Chipotle.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Funny Posts and Noah
It seems so old.
I have been giving him a hard time about it, and I know it is weighing on him a little too.
In honor of his birthday I will be posting about him this week. Feel free to comment! But only nice things, because honestly, turning 30 is hard enough on its own. (not that I know :)
But before I tell my first nice story about him, I will direct you to some funny posts that remind me of us:
First, this post on SCL . Seriously, if you haven't checked out Stuff Christians Like, you should. It is incredibly funny and very true. The post I linked has a conversation between the author and his wife in it. That is pretty much how every conversation about money goes in our house. Also, by the way, I really need one of the side hug tee shirts...
And then there is the charmingly fictitious Cordy, Seth, Chris and the whole Mormon love triangle. Man, if it wasn't a love triangle and if it wasn't Mormon it could totally be Noah and I during highschool and college. The drama, the miscommunications, the ultimatums, the attempts to be cool and not care...are you kidding me? This is compelling reading! I just try to block out the similarities...
There are a few things I remember from elementary school, and these are two of them:
1. Joolee's brother was a grade older than me (the same grade as Noah). One day I heard him say that he couldn't stand it when girls wore side ponytails. He thought they looked ridiculous. I never wore a side ponytail after that, and everytime I see someone wearing one I remember that comment like it was yesterday. (I am linking you like crazy, Joolee- Did you notice? I link people who comment :)
2. One day I was over at Noah's house and we were playing hotspot out in the yard. I had never played before and I did something against the rules inadvertently. One of the other kids jumped all over it and I was starting to feel really stupid. Noah stepped in, defended me and put an end to the other kids comments. I would have married him then, but we were only like 10 and stuff and I don't think things would have ended so well.
Anyway, love you Noah! Happy 4 days before your birthday! Thank you for the ways you protect me and defend me, even when I insist I don't need it!
Monday, November 10, 2008
A mystery
The above is what Joolee thinks may have happened today to make it so Very.Very.Bad.
But she is not even remotely correct.
Interesting thoughts though, and kind of compelling.
I managed to get out of bringing anything to the Bible Study last week by calling in sick child. He was sick. Sort of. So no donuts.
We don't have any black ice here. Yet.
And I haven't been running outside, unfortunantly.
And I am not pregnant with twins, although that would be a reason to not feel guilty about not running. And Noah wants twins. He thinks that would push me over the edge which I am teetering on and cause me to finally say, "that is it! I give up! No more kids!".
But today is a different story.
It is, of course, a Monday coming off of a great weekend. Isn't that the way it always is? I didn't work at all, Noah got a lot of the electrical stuff done in the basement, we had friends over Sunday night, I sorted lots of boxes and we watched a movie and ate popcorn with the kids. Oh, and I did lots of laundry by flashlight.
On Friday night we had small group at our house, but I played hooky so that I could go meet up with 4 friends to do some bulk cooking. I brought the 55 pounds of ground beef, and we cooked it all up. We each came away with 2 spagetti pies, 2 other hotdishes, 4 1 lb bags of taco meat, 4 bags of meatballs. Success. That is 12 meals for this month, all made in 1 night and at really low cost!
So brought it all home and threw it in the deep freezer. You can see where this is going, right?
Let's review the clues, my friends:
1. electrical work in the basement
2. Chest freezer in basement
3. No lights in basement
4. All the meals into the freezer in the basement on Friday night
Yes, I went down this morning to get bread out of the freezer, and low and behold the freezer was more like a Fridge. Kind of.
Now, we aren't that stupid. We did put the no electricity= no appliances thing together. But the washer and dryer were working and they are right next to the freezer on that side of basement. And one of the lights was working. And we just assumed that since that side of the basement was generally working, that the freezer outlet was on the same breaker and was working too.
Bad assumption.
So I have been salvaging food today. Just what I wanted to be doing today. Just what I needed to be doing today.
Things were starting to thaw, but in the bottom everything was still frozen, so I took out the mostly still frozen but starting to thaw chicken (9 pounds of it!) cooked it and cubed it. I am still debating how much of the other stuff I should risk keeping...
I could definitely use the donut right now.
Bad. Very. Very. Bad
I got no time to post, but just wanted you all to know...
(this is not the worst bad I can think of, not even close. Just not a good start to the week. The week where I was going to be running 5 miles a day, getting up early, getting through my piles and turning my kids into Preschool stars)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I haven't been tagged, but...
10 years ago I was
1. Sitting through Microbiology class listening to a teacher who said, "not to flog a dead horse" in an English accent. Often.
2. Examining cadavers in Structure and Function
3. Taking long walks with Noah discussing our future - if we had a future, if there was a future, if God knows the future, if there would be extraterrestial sitings in our future. Stuff like that.
4. I was 18 and got to vote for the first time!
5 Things on my To Do list today
1. Hover over Noah while he works on electrical stuff in the basement. Just to make sure he doesn't get electrocuted. He was working on it when I left for work the other night. I worried all night that he would get electrocuted and the boys would go look for him and they would get electrocuted too and I would come home to find N, D and R dead in the basement and Lincoln screaming in his crib because he can't get out. And he wouldn't have known that his lack of climbing ability had saved his little life. And that, my friends, would have been a definite turn for the worse in the story of my life.
2. Run
3. Watch "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" with the boys while eating popcorn.
4. Laundry. I have no lights in the basement, so I need to get all my laundry done during daylight hours or by flashlight. Since I do laundry 24/7 this could be tricky, and we may be dressed kind of sketchily for the next few days. As if that would be a change.
5. Sort through 3 crates of papers. I have found that if I stick my papers in a crate without taking care of them, usually by the time I sort the stack there are no more decisions to be made because they are expired offers etc. It works well for me.
5 Things I would Do if I was a Millionaire
1. Buy at least 10 acres and put up a house, a barn and a large play structure.
2. Take Deacon to Australia
That is it. No, I would do some charitable giving, but I am not sure on specifics. I think I would invest the money for a year to give me time to formulate a good, sound financial plan. This is all if I got the money in a lump sum, which is the only way I can forsee becoming a millionaire in my lifetime.
What were you all doing 10 years ago?
Friday, November 7, 2008
So I am praying for a little friend for Lincoln and for a little boy to be a friend for Roman. Roman is always trying to keep up with Deacon and his friends and I think it would be good for him to have a friend of his own. Most of the people we know that are his age are little girls. Which is fine, but it would be nice for him to have a friend that is a boy too.
Anyway, all that wasn't the point of this post.
The other day while Noah and I were passing like two ships in the night, we split up some errands. He took Lincoln with him and I took Deacon and Roman with me. What a glorious taste of freedom! They are both in booster seats, and while I still have to click Roman in, it is just one single click and they can open the door and climb into their own seats! They can unbuckle themselves and get out themselves. I didn't have to carry anyone.
And I thought to myself, "what if I had stopped at 2? I would be living in a diaper free house, I wouldn't have to deal with naptimes. I wouldn't have to try to strong arm someone into their carseat!"
And then I came home. And Lincoln was jumping into a pile of leaves, just like his brothers.
And Lincoln was picking up leaves, 2 at a time, and putting them into the bag- just like his brothers.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Not Julie's Finest Hour
Last Tuesday we arrived for his new session and were met with the "exciting" news that since there were only 2 3&4 year olds signed up they wanted to move Deke and the other kid up to the 5 & 6 year old class. I did not think that it would be a problem.
Deacon did.
He absolutely lost it. "I am not 5 yet!" he wailed. "I want to swim first!" "They will never let me swim at all", "I want to go home!"
See, the 5 &6 year olds gym first and then swim.
Not cool.
I try to follow through on consequences.
I didn't though. I told him that if he didn't go in there and play I would take him home. He said, "take me home." And I didn't. I knew that if I could just get him in there he would have a great time and it would all be good. He loves activities and he doesn't like to just be home.
What he doesn't like is surprises.
If they had called me an hour before so I could have prepped him, he probably would have been ok. But the kid can't handle loss of control. And surprises. They kind of go hand in hand, don't they?
So I threw all of the parenting techniques, natural consequences out the window. I pleaded with him to try it, I offered bribes. I offered threats. I tried to act cheerful and like this was so exciting. I tried to act annoyed. That didn't require much acting.
And he was just beside himself. Which isn't like him.
Except when he has no control.
Finally, I told him this: "Deacon, if you don't go in there I am going to go check you into kids stuff with Lincoln (the childcare area) and take Roman out and have him come here to have class in your place. "
He said, "You can't do that."
And I said, "oh, yes I can."
And he went in.
And he had a great time.
And he finished up gym with a smiling face and went into the locker room to get ready for swim.
And I discovered that I forgot his wetsuit.
And his swimming trunks.
And I felt like crying. After all of that, he wasn't even going to be able to swim?!
But the front desk had a loaner pair (yeah YMCA!).
And he had fun.
And yesterday when I dropped him off, he said, "You can go now, Mom."
So I went upstairs to run.
And when he came up to run his 2 laps he caught up with me (yes, I did slow down. he can't beat me yet!) and slipped his little hand into mine.
And we ran together.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Austy is made out of cheese!
The first thing to go is always sleep.
I worked 4 out of the last 5 nights. It may have been too much.
Noah's mom talks about the times during school where he would be talking formulas and equations in his sleep. That is dreaming about what you are doing in life.
But the other night I was DOING the thing that I normally only DREAM about.
Frequently in my dreams I am trying to dial a number on the phone. And I just can't do it. I start and I don't completely push in one of the digits, or I can't remember it. So the other evening Noah comes in, says I have a message on the phone from staffing and asks if he can dial the number for me. I could not remember the number. I just remember feeling this panicky frustration as I tried to say the numbers in the right sequence and I just could not get my brain and my mouth and those 9 digits to line up! It was exactly like in my dreams. The same inadequacy. The same feelings. I had to get out of bed and walk downstairs, calm down and dial it myself to make it work. I asked Noah today if it had really happened. Apparently it did.
So this morning Roman comes flying downstairs and asks me, "what is the name of the Backyardigan's movie where Tasha, Austy an Uniqua are made out of cheese?" Deacon and I questioned him further, having never heard of such a thing in all our lives. I tried to explain that they are actually computer animation, but he would have none of it. "No, mom. There is a movie where they are made out of cheese. And the Veggietales were there. But not Bob."
I suspected a dream and suggested this to him. His eyes brightened an he said, "Oh yes, maybe the Backyardigans were having a dream!" He just wasn't buying it.
There is no more points to the dream stories.
I just have a couple more statements since I haven't blogged for awhile.
*I just remembered that I am supposed to bring a lovely breakfast dish for Bible Study tomorrow. Personally, I love doughnuts, but these ladies scoff at them. Can I manage to not cave under the pressure and actually just bring doughnuts without fruit?
*Our basement room passed its 1st 2 inspections. The whole inspection thing was actually kind of a letdown. One of those scenerios where you overprepare and they barely look at anything. And you know you should just keep your mouth shut, but you want to yell, "will you look at this? Will you admire this? Will you measure this and see how exactly perfect this is? Will you acknowlege that we followed the 10 pages of code exactly?"
*I have all of these projects that I want to get done before it gets cold. Why did I wait until the Indian summer in November to realize that it is now or never? Probably because it is now or never.
*Today I discovered that 1 of the tiny tootsie pops does not have enough suckability to last the whole time that it takes a mommy to vote. I did get them out of there before anyone yelled at them though.
*I think that I have eaten more calories in halloween candy today then I burned off during my 4 mile run. This.is.very.bad.
*I just painted my front door. I am taking guesses as to the color. Think backwards mullet.
Ok, I need to stop. I am now making jokes that only make sense to me in my strange little world.
I wasn't going to go all Rob Bell literary style on you, but...
"But you have forsaken me and served other gods, so I will no longer save you. Go and cry out to the gods you have chosen. Let them save you when you are in trouble."
This verse convicts me.
I choose and serve things other than God.
Our nation chooses and serves people and things other than God.
We don't want the consequences for our actions.
It is never our fault.
We want to be bailed out.
We want a president who is willing to go to great measures to not let us be "punished" with a baby if we make a mistake.
We want a government who will make sure that everything is "fair", even if they must take from others to do so.
We want polititicans who promise to take care of us.
We want the treasury to bail out our banks so we don't have to take responsibility for our spending.
We call out to our gods.
But they can't save us.
So we call out to God.
But how long will he be merciful?
Psalm 57:1-3
1 Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.
2 I cry out to God Most High, to God, who fulfills {his purpose} for me.
3 He sends from heaven and saves me, rebuking those who hotly pursue me; Selah. God sends his love and his faithfulness.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Life at Home with the B'Boys
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Clean water? Sounds good...
So the Clean Water, Wildlife, Cultural Heritage and Natural Areas Amendment sounds good and all. What's more Minnesota than clean water and wildlife? And that's all we hear about is the clean water part: lakes and streams. Maybe the wildlife part.
But arts? With an election in two days I was starting the research on the parts of the ballot that I don't hear attack ads on every second. Seriously, I tried to watch some of the news last night and for several commercial breaks, every commercial was a political attack ad. I'm sick of it.
And the ads for this amendment aren't much better. The one side is, "Who wouldn't want to pass clean water on to our kids?" And the other side is, "Don't you realize it sounds nice but will make your taxes go up?"
This all misses the point.
First, there's a sales tax increase. A Constitutional Amendment is not a place for a sales tax increase. Good grief. That's the job of the legislators we send to the capital.
Second, this isn't just about clean water. There's also clauses in here about funding money into the arts and cultural heritage. Again, I'm sorry, but a Constitutional Amendment is not the place for that. A bill on the floor of the Legislature where our elected representatives can hash it out is the right place. Putting it on a Constitutional Amendment where there's little public debate and no one is talking about anything besides clean water is low down dirty rotten.
I'm tired of the games. At this point I'm not holding anybody faultless. It's just a general comment. Things like this get me though. There's too much power; too much money.
I saw a bumper sticker the other day.
"Peace is inevitable. Why not now?"
Has anyone looked at the human condition lately? War and chaos are inevitable. Men exploiting other men is inevitable. Anything else takes a whole lot of work, cooperation, vigilance and the grace of God.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
At one point later in the movie, as it's building to climax, Larry the Cucumber as Elliot gets swallowed whole by a giant mechanical dragon. Roman jumped up onto his chair, eyes wide, finger tips digging into his cheeks, "Oh NO! ELLIOT! They got Elliot!"
(Elliot survives.)
Okay, maybe it was a little intense. But they both did sleep fine last night.
Here are the Trunker Treaters
Link was quite impressed with "that puppy in the window."