Deacon does wear shorts and teeshirts even in January.
We got the ladder for the beds yesterday and Lincoln can now get up on the top bunk. Problem is, he has no concept of edges. So I am doing a lot more monitoring then usual and the ladder may end up getting nixed.
In other news, I am not getting any shifts at work. What that means is that I will have 20 extra hours of freetime each week and no money. What that means is that I will be doing more of my free activities: blogging and running. And I may start couponing. I actually did some really great transactions at CUB this week that made me feel like I saved a lot of money. I think I did. And since I came up with a dynamic and fool proof housecleaning plan I am not going to have to spend as much time on that as I previously thought.
So I also may start reading some fiction. Or I may start studying for a nursing exam. Or I may start preparing for homeschooling.
And I decided to teach Deacon how to read, so we are working on that.
The part about the dynamic and fool proof housecleaning plan? It is probably not dynamic or fool proof and it is bound to take more time then I have allotted for it.
I am also putting lotion on everyone around here. If you come over I will try to put some on you too. (In a perfectly appropriate way of course, like your hands or something). See I cleaned my linen closet. I am too embarrassed to show you pictures of what it looked like. But it was bad. So I cleaned it out and now I have some things that I just want to use up so they will be gone. Like samples and stuff. This week we are all going to have soft skin and nicely conditioned hair and Listerine breath.
Did I tell you about the time that I accidentally drank mouthwash and Noah called poison control? It really is a good story. We were living in our first apartment, newly married. I am not sure what happened. Maybe I was laughing? Or maybe I wasn't. Anyway, I swallowed some mouth wash. Not good. I was like gagging or choking or whatever one does when one swallows mouthwash. Noah grabbed the bottle and it apparently said that if it was ingested poison control should be consulted. But he didn't have the poison control number handy so he called HIS MOM to see what it was. So he gets the number and calls. I didn't know what he was doing, until I hear from the other room. "no, she is not a kid. She is my wife! She is 20". They told him to have me drink some water. I am sure the consultant just died of laughter after they hung up. Thanks, honey. It was somewhat sweet that he was concerned.
I had my wisdom teeth out this week. It was a simple extraction so I just had Novocaine. Anyway, the last 2 nights I have taken a Tylenol PM before bed to help with the soreness and to help me sleep a little sounder. This morning I had a terrible dream in which Noah died and some EMT at some sporting event stuck a needle in my arm to draw blood without even feeling for a vein! Now that is poor practice and is definitely not cool. So then Noah died, of what I am not sure. But I was crying in my dream and I woke up and I was crying for real. I think I have done that once before, but it is a very strange experience to wake up crying because your husband is dead but you can hear him conversing (notice I didn't say yelling?) with the boys downstairs. So I may lay off the benadryl for awhile.
I think this is enough randomness for one post. By the way, I am not planning to do much in the way of 500mile updates on here because the participants progress is being charted on the new spreadsheet. Feel free to leave your own comments regarding the challenge if you have something (kind) to say.
I did call poison control. Julie was choking and histerical and writhing on the floor and unresponsive to questions and so on...
So what is a guy to do? He calls poison control. I didn't know how much she'd ingested or if she was going into anaphalactic shock or something.
So yeah, I called poison control.
And if any of you come over here and do something like that, I'll call poison conrtol on you too.
I think you are being a little dramatic. Seriously. WRithing on the floor? Hysterical? Unresponsive to questions?
And more likely then not, if any of them come over and have trouble it will probably be from getting lotion in their eyes or something.
Oh I hope Lincoln is careful!!!! That sounds a little scary...
Kind things to say about 500 miles...hmmmm can't think of any...but I think I walked about a mile in the airports...does that count(:
Karla, you can count it as far as I'm concerned. Just don't make a habit of it.
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