Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I asked the boys last night what they knew about Thanksgiving.

(They get lots of info from lots of places, and I wasn't quite sure what people had told them about Thanksgiving. For example, Deacon told me just tonight that Alaska and Hawaii became "related" (no idea where he got that word) to the United States of America when Gma Pam was 8 or 9 years old.)

Deacon responded that it started with the Pilgrims coming on ships. And they had a feast with the Indians.

We talked a little bit more about that, and then I asked them what they were thankful for.

Their responses describe their personalities exactly:


"I am thankful for my toys, my books and Penguins." (later after I listed my things he came over and gave me a big hug and said that he was thankful for me and for everything).


"I am thankful to God that he made me strong. And I am thankful that I can lift a lot of weights. That is my thing. And I am thankful to God for making weights. Only I think that people made weights. Did people make weights? Ok. And I am thankful for all my family and my friends. And for milk which gives me strong muscles and water which lets me run really fast."

I for one am thankful for my little boys.

And my parents.

And my in laws.

And all the boys Aunts and Uncle.

And our friends.

And our house.

And good jobs.

And a husband who knows me well and loves me better.

And a Savior who forgives and who wants the best for his children.


Unknown said...

oh...and I am thankful for strong nephews(: and for a few other things too(:

Elise said...

Love the boys' thankful lists. Very cute! I'm surprised neither of them said they were thankful they have such a cute cousin. (Actually, I'm not surprised, but I thought I would say it anyway.) We are thankful for you guys too!

The Three 22nds said...

They do like her now that she's become more interactive.