Friday, November 13, 2009

Who dun it?

This morning I pulled the cutting board out, and it was covered in solidified red jelly. Fairly or not, I muttered an exasperated "Ju-lee...."

Deacon piped up. "Dad, it was probably me. I make a mess sometimes when I make my own toast."

Me: "Okay, but when you do, you need to clean it up. Come over here and take a look at this." I started scrubbing.

D: "Oh, that wasn't me. I make messes with peanut butter, not with jelly."

R: "It wasn't me. That looks like it probably happened back when I was a baby. I couldn't have done it."

R: "It was probably Lincoln."

D: "Yeah, probably Lincoln."


1 comment:

Matt said...

HAHAHA!! Looks like the boys need to work on their timetables a little bit (c'mon Roman, if it couldn't have been you because you were a baby, then how could Lincoln have done it) - oh right, I forgot the rule, "blame your brother!" :-)