Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Controversial Monday, but Celebrated on Tuesday...this week

Guess what the topic for today is?

Ahhh yes.

Strapless dresses.

Especially popular for fancy occasions such as weddings.

I didn't wear one at my wedding.

Noah would probably have stood me up at the alter.

He is not a fan.

Neither am I.

I am not sure what the allure is.

I am not interested in my shoulder blades sticking out.

Or my fat bulging over.

Or drawing attention to that little extra skin where your arms attach to your body.

My mom is going to read this and call me up and tell me I am being too critical and stereotypical.

But the point of controversial Monday is to create conversation.

So, someone try to convince me that strapless dresses are flattering on more than 1% of the population.



Rachel said...

no argument here.

Grandma Debbie said...

Wish I could oblige, but I don't care for them much either. At honors concert for piano, there were always girls - often young teens - pulling their strapless dresses up. At least for weddings they usually fit a little better because the bride or bridesmaids have spent a lot to have them altered, but they sometimes still need a tug now and then.
No, I'm not a fan, but I know a lot of women - especially brides - seem to be.

Anonymous said...

I think the 1% are those with 1% body fat. And seriously, you gotta have some curves to pull it off too. Those two situations usually don't happen on the same person at the same time. Heidi

LS said...

I have seen some women look gorgeous in a strapless gown. I have seen some look awful and uncomfy. I bought a strapless wedding dress although I had never dared to wear anything so "scandalous" in my entire life. I got some critical comments from my MIL and SIL when they gasped upon seeing the dress. I blamed it on my husband; after all, I took him shopping with me and that's what HE picked out. He's MR. MODESTY and he thought it was fine. But I can tell after 6 years of marriage that he is biased. I don't think he likes them on anyone else. We added some lacy straps to help me feel more comfy in it and it worked wonderfully that way for the wedding and pleased the in-laws too. I didn't realize it then, but after reading something on GIRLTALK and also on Al Mohler's site, I realize now that strapless creates an illusion to guys that one tug will have it off. It's a very distracting and sensual thing for them, so they say, and even just spaghetti straps help dispel the visual illusion. Some gals think strapless is modest as long as it's fairly high and no cleavage showing but the illusion is still there. Bare shoulders are...well...BARE!

Now that I've studied modesty in depth more I will advise my daughters against them.

One thing that bugs me is the UGLY and HORRENDOUS strapless bridesmaid numbers out there. If someone asked me to wear one of those things, I'd decline being in the wedding! Poor things, standing up in the front looking miserable and wondering if their dress will come down at any moment!


My wife wore a strapless dress and looked unbelievably gorgeous on our wedding day. I guess she's one of the rare 1%. Lucky me.

Not a fan said...

A nice dress thats fit properly looks so good on a woman. If it's the right dress and fits properly, it accentuates the good and hides the bad.

Strapless dresses rarely seem to be that correct combo. Only a handful of women can pull them off.

I generally don't like them. I don't think that personally I've ever found them, conciously or subconciously, sensual because I thought they might come of with one good tug. Though I have seen a couple I thought might fall off, it was more a matter of discomfort and alarm than arousal and excitment.

Kim said...

Ouch. My wedding dress was strapless. And I loved it.

Elise said...

A woman's collar bone is almost always the most slender looking part of her, no matter what her body shape/type. Thus the appeal of the strapless dress. However, if it doesn't fit properly, of course it won't be flattering. I say, it's all in the fit and I love a nice strapless dress.

Heather A said...

personally, i hate wearing strapless dresses.