Saturday, November 7, 2009

This week...

So far this week we have been imaginative (I use the "we" very loosely. I am always given a character, but very seldom perform to my full capabilities. It is usually like, "Oh, I am the princess? Well the princess is doing the dishes and making lunch)

Anyway, here is the list:

1. King. Deacon was the King and sat on a Royal thrown. Roman was the Royal penguin who visited the arctic when the palace became too warm. Oh wait, maybe I should capitalize "Royal Penguin"

2. Garbage Truck.

3. Ninjas. Deacon wore a black blazer and black sports shorts. He looked awesome. They snuck around the house, legs bent, in ready positions.

4. Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus. Deacon was Joseph, The neighbor girl was Mary, and Roman was...wait for it...Baby Jesus' cat. Lincoln was a sheep.

5. Pirates. They were all pirates, and poor Lincoln was the one true bad pirate.
I was the mom pirate.

6. Going to camp. It required a boat to get there.

There were other minor side games, but these were the major themes for the week.

One of my favorite parts of the day is finding out the details of what they are planning and playing.


gma pam said...

I like that when they play pirates in their room, the ship is the bottom bunk, the top bunk is for being up in the rigging or sails (or whatever pirates refer to it as), and the baby's crib is the rowboat.
But the Royal Penguin is the best.

Matt said...

likes this

Matt said...

okay, so now for the real comment :-)
I literally laughed out loud when I read that Roman played baby Jesus' cat - that's awesome!!