Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Good Morning! Today I thought I would join Kim over at "I want a Minivan" and try to remember (and highlight) things I am thankful for this week.

We are blessed beyond measure, and I need to remember it!

*For parents and In laws who love our children and will take care of them for us. Often.

*For a house to live in.

*For a getting-handier-by-the-minute husband who loves me enough to spend his spare time hanging with me and the kids and doing projects that are more important to me than to him

*For our 10-year engagement anniversary today!

*For an excellent health plan over the past few years with almost nothing paid out of pocket. Trying to remember that as I look over the coverage for this year!

*For a job that I really do enjoy and the flexibility of getting to pick my own hours.

*For healthy kids, including this new little growing baby.

*For an intact extended family free of feuds and drama (working in the hospital I have learned that this is an incredible gift)

*For little boys who love to be read to.

*For brown hair and brown eyes.

What are you thankful for this week?

1 comment:

gma pam said...

-for 3 little boys with brown hair and brown eyes who greet me every time like they haven't seen me for a year!