Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Veggie Tales

It has not been a good day around here. I am in a bad mood. I am in a contemplative mood. I am in a mom funk. I am tired of the baby screeching, Roman disobeying and Deacon freaking out about everything.

And honestly, it is hard not to be able to push myself at the gym. It is kind of a way to release stress and clear my mind. But now it is just hard.

And my job is looming, pressing, stressing.

And do I get the H1N1 vaccine?

So without further ado, I will leave you with a cute story. Because honestly, my kids are pretty cute. And they make me smile. And they make me laugh. And they make me think. And I am trying to focus on the positive....

This morning Roman took a tomato off the counter and announced that it was Bob from Veggie Tales.

Then he asked me for a cucumber.

I didn't have one.

So he got creative and set a pumpkin next to "Bob".

He announced that the Pumpkin was Larry.

Then he said:

"Hi. I am Bob" (in Bob voice)

"And I'm Larry" (in Larry voice)

"And we are here to answer your questions. You are probably wondering why Larry doesn't have any eyes" (in Bob voice)

"Yeh Bob. Why don't I have any eyes?" (in Larry voice)

That kid cracks me up.

Then at the grocery store Roman and Lincoln both asked for Cucumbers. I gave them each one to hold and it amused them through the shopping trip. I had a hard time getting them to relinquish them to the cashier for the 37 seconds it took to charge me a $1.18 for them.



Anonymous said...

Veggie Tales is awesome and kids are great! Tonight, my four year old friend stated "these (cooked) carrots are crazy". His parents let us laugh without shame while they made him apologize:) That was the first time all week I forgot about work. Heidi

Rachel said...

I've been having some of *those* kinds of days myself!

gma pam said...

What a brillint child!

gma pam said...

oops, please put the a in brilliant for me...for I, too, am also brilliant.(or try to be)

Momma Bear said...

sorry life is tough this very second, or yesterdays second rather. I always love it when moms can stop and enjoy their kids amidst all the chaos. It's inspiring to me and a reminder. I personally think you rock and noone paid me to say that. :P