Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Noah and I got back yesterday from an extended weekend trip. 3 whole nights up north all by ourselves.

Nice, huh?

Many thanks to the grandparents who watched the boys and gave them good memories at their houses.

When Noah and I travel together our main goal is usually this: see as much as we can, do as much as we can. Go. Go. Go.

So this trip we purposly got a condo with a full kitchen on a resort in November.

In other words. Not a lot going on.

We were going to force ourselves to take it easy.

To watch the fireplace.

To read.

To watch movies together. (ok, so Noah to watch movies while I slept next to him)

To go on walks.

To cook in our room.

And it was good. But it did take as awhile to not feel guilty about not really accomplishing anything.

We watched the Vikings game without hearing, "can't we watch skateboarding now?", "Lincoln just peed on the carpet!" and "this is boring."

We only ate out 2 meals. (that is amazing. Really). And I didn't even cook. Noah cooked all the other meals. Well, I guess I stirred something once and put my own sandwich together when he handed me my cheese.

We went on a lot of walks, and an extended hike in a closed state park. (Really, we didn't know it was closed. I am a rule follower, remember?)

It was good. We needed to slow down from our breakneck pace.

But now we are back to it.

And that is good too.


Lesley said...

Wow, that is great that you got away for a couple days!! My hubby and I REALLY need to do that! You didn't happen to come up to our neck of the woods for your little getaway, did you?
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to you too! (I've been lurking on your blog lately - sorry :))

Elise said...

Sounds lovely! We had fun visiting the boys on Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa's house. They sure are a lot of fun!

Lesley said...

Lutsen is amazing and it is sad that we haven't been up there more, considering how close we live to the North Shore. Isn't it just beautiful up there? If you ever do find a job for your husband, you'll just have to move right on over. And you'd have no problem finding a nursing job over here either :)
Maybe someday we could meet up and hit the lakewalk or do something fun with the kids. Unless that is way too creepy for you since we've never met, but I assure you we are not creepy people. A little strange at times, maybe, but lots of fun and no creepiness :)