Sunday, July 20, 2008

Yes, those are his underwear!

It is time to land. Can I stick it? Yes, I know I can!

I didn't stick it! I took a little step! Oh no, that wasn't a perfect 10!

Maybe they didn't notice?


LS said...

Your boys give you plenty to blog about and then some!

I would definitely be able to use boy clothes in those sizes as I'm finding out that while there are never-ending clothes for girls of all ages at the thrift store, it's a lot harder to find boys' stuff in the toddler sizes that doesn't have holes and grass stains!
I think Becki is going to pick Bethany up from camp and then swing through Bemidji in a week or two and she could probably take the clothes up there and give them to my in-laws. Thanks for thinking of us and I really, really appreciate it!
Your list for your hubby was super sweet and I'd love to see some more pics of him on your blog (find out what this amazing guy looks like! =)

Anonymous said...

great blog

joolee said...

So I'm assuming this is at a public park!? Is this just you letting him take responsibility for his own decisions? I haven't reached that level of parenting yet....I care too much what people think of me or something. Which is too bad, because if i were to see a kid at the park in his underwear, i would just think "How adorable!"

The Three 22nds said...

I am big into letting them be responsible for their own decisions. That is why Deacon often wears his clothes backward and his shoes on the wrong feet. (I always offer to help). I think this particular situation though had something to do with falling asleep in the car after the beach with just underwear on and then the only pair I had was dirty...or a variation of that story. That same situation happens in our lives all too frequently1