Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pizza Hut: An Attempt at a Dining Experience

*Kids have free personal pan pizza coupons from the library reading program
*The kids like pizza
*Deacon loves restaurants
*We had no other plans for supper

*Perfect time to go to Pizza Hut for for a lovely family dinner.

Here is what happened:

Pull into the parking lot.

Noah: "hope we can get a table!" (smirk, smirk)

Julie rolls eyes (note: only 2 cars in the parking lot)

We walk in.

Deacon: "Wow! This is a FANCY place! Look! They have fruits and vegetables!" (admiring the salad bar)

Waitress: "4 1/2? Would you like a booth or a table?"

Noah: "one of the corner booths, please"

*we are seated at Noah's nostalgic corner booth. Unfortunantly, it is within 2 year old arm reach of the neon sign*

Julie: "Roman, turn around. Stop messing with the sign"

Then we have a long conversation with the waitress about drinks and whether or not they have chocolate milk in stock. She doesn't think that they do.

Noah: "Roman, don't lick the top of the parmeson cheese. Julie, why don't you come and sit down here so we are not at opposite ends of the table?" (I come down and sit across from him, please note that.)

Julie: "What do you want on your pizzas? Pepperoni? Roman, don't unplug the sign! Turn around, man!"

Waitress: "are you ready to order?"

Deacon: "I want cheesy bread"

Julie: "No. We have the coupons, remember? Cute little personal pizzas. That is what we are getting. Roman, stop climbing the back of the booth!"

Waitress leaves

Noah: "Roman, you are going to spill that! Keep your straw in your cup!"

Deacon gets up and walks away.

Noah: "Where are you going?"

Deacon: "I gotta go to the bathroom"

Noah: "ok, I will take you" they exit

Roman: "where is our car?" (looking out the window) "oh, there it is. Where is more cars? Oh, I guess there are some driving."

Roman climbs down and starts walking away.

Julie: "Roman, where are you going?"

Roman: "I need to go potty"

Thankfully, before I had to haul the baby out of his seat, Noah came back with Deacon and quickly exited again with Roman.

Deacon: "That bathroom was just beautiful. They had pictures in there. It reminded me of the bathrooms in Space Aliens where there are so many pictures"

*note: Deacon likes flowery bathrooms and pictures. We have neither. He is very anti girly for himself, but he loves to compliment me when I wear a dress with flowers on it and he is quick to compliment a hostess who has a flowery bathroom.*

Noah: (back from the bathroom) "Roman, be careful with your drink. Please"

Noah: "can we get some more napkins here?"

Noah: "Roman, you have to be more careful. Don't tip it that way."

Noah: "Roman, you are going to spill your juice. Just hold it like this and suck on the straw."

Unfortunantly, at that precise moment, as Noah reached over the table to help Roman, he knocked over his full glass of pop. All over the table and all over me. (Remember, he had invited me to his end of the table.)

Julie (laughing hysterically): "Now that was ironic!"

Noah: "well, I am glad you think this is funny."

Deacon: "Dad, do you need some more napkins down there?"

Pizza arrives

Deacon: "Oh, they are so cute! AHHHHH"

Julie: "What's wrong?"

Deacon "I have a problem."

somehow Deacon had managed to get fruit punch all over the front and back of his shorts in a splash pattern. He must have spilled some and then thrashed around in it.

Noah and Julie eat

20 min later

Noah: "Guys, between the 3 of you, you have eaten less then one slice of a personal pan pizza. Are you going to eat any more?"

Roman picks up the babies discarded piece, licks it and puts it back on the table. He then turns back to the neon sign.

Julie (still laughing): "Well, I guess we have supper for tomorrow night too!"

The end.


joolee said...

Sounds like sooooo many of our attempts at public family dining....including the spilled drink by an adult. But isn't it nice not to have to do the dishes!?

Anonymous said...

How do you keep your sense of humor when things go wrong?

The Three 22nds said...

Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. It really helps when Noah is there too so that I don't feel so alone! Sometimes all you can do is laugh! I am not a laid back person in most areas of my life, but I am pretty relaxed about my kids. I don't know why.