Thursday, July 31, 2008

Deacon's Preschool Plan

Deacon is 4 1/2 now, so I am going to start doing some more "organized" preschool with him this fall. I have decided to have monthly themes and just weave all subjects into those themes. I asked Deacon what he would like to learn in preschool. He gave me three things he wanted to learn: 1. How to call all of the people he knows on the phone. 2. How to make his bed and 3. How to make pretty pictures like the ones on our walls.

We read a lot, but I am going to start getting more nonfiction from the library. These are my guidelines, but I will adjust and change things as needed. For example, if he is ready to learn to read in September, we will go for it! I also want to include Roman as much as he is interested.

Deacon will also have his Cubbie work from church and Gym and Swim. I also hope to become a little more organized with their household jobs this fall and maybe add an allowence. We will see!

So here is the plan (by the way, I made this plan in under 10 minutes. Feel free to remind me of anything I may have forgotten). I am sure I will be doing a lot of adding and subtracting!:

SEPTEMBER: Weather Month

* Daily weather predictions and learning how to use the online weather tools
* 30 day weather notebook
* Working with Noah on taking pictures of sky
* Writing out weather related words
* counting and adding related to weather theme (ie: How many windy days this week etc.)
* Books from the library about weather
* Possibly a field trip to the local TV station

OCTOBER: Calendar Month

* Books from library about Seasons
* Make a calendar
* Make a Seasons themed book
* Learn months, days, seasons
* Writing out months, days, seasons
* Learn how numbers work on a calendar
* Introduce reading a clock

NOVEMBER: Domestic Month

*Learn address, phone number
*Concentrate on simple household chores
* Learn etiquette for placing phone calls
* Teach about 911 and emergencies
* Books about 911 and emergencies
* Possible field trip to Police Station
* Review Shapes and Colors

DECEMBER: Christmas and Cooking

* Books about Christmas
* Cooking with kids
* Teaching simple cooking related math
* Write out some favorite recipes (or use pictures)
* Christmas cards and crafts

JANUARY: Animal Emphasis

* Animal math games
* Animal classifications (mammels, reptiles etc)
* Field trip to pet store, aquarium etc.
* Possibly purchase a fish??!!
* Lots of animal books from library
* Animal crafts
* Writing out animal names, matching with pictures etc

FEBRUARY: Math Emphasis/History Emphasis

* Lots of math games
* Biographies from the library
* Writing Deacon's own biography

MARCH: Alphabet/Reading

* more concentrated work on phonics if he is interested
* Make alphabet book with Deacon and Roman
* Lots of reading

APRIL: Science emphasis

* Plants!
* Starting indoor flowers
* Learn about how things grow etc.
* Lots of reading on plants, growth etc.


joolee said...

You are SOOOO on the ball!

Anonymous said...

I love your themes. Maybe for some of them you could work in songs about the theme for a music element. :-)

LS said...

This post is soooo inspiring! Thank you for giving me ideas for things to do with Ali!

I also thought your list of 100 things was pretty neat too!