Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trying to lessen the Scrooge in me

Have I mentioned before that I am a little bit of a Scrooge?

Putting a tree in my house, managing gifts, baking, cooking, decorating, shopping.

It all really doesn't sound that fun to me.

Mostly, it is just a lot of work and a lot of money.

Deacon wants lights on the house and all I can think about is a patient I had once who had fallen while hanging Christmas lights. "Seriously, Deacon? Lights? Are they that important?"

And snow, who wants snow?

And how in the world am I going to get Roman up to the front of the church to sing his songs for the Christmas program?

But I am trying to remember the things I do like:

1. Reading the kids Bible Stories that lead up the Christmas story
2. Putting up the nativity scene that Noah and I painted
3. Noah being home from work
4. Gingerbread houses
5. Christmas cookies
6. Looking at lights
7. Watching the kid's excitement over everything
8. Stocking stuffers (this is the one kind of gift that I really actually do like to look for and do, I do practical stuff like toothbrushes for the kids, tape, glue sticks, new markers etc)

So I will try to be merry.
And try not to gasp at the price of the Christmas tree. (It is dead! We are paying for a stinkin' dead tree!)
And buy presents
And wrap them with gratitude for the people who will receive them.
I will sleep under the tree on Christmas eve with the kids

And I will try to remember to teach the kids that the greatest thing about the season is remembering Jesus.

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