Thursday, December 10, 2009

Looking at Things Differently

Last night Noah and I were discussing Christmas presents and diviing out the tasks and purchases left to be made (which is most of it).

Suddenly I remembered what I wanted in my stocking.

"Noah!" I said, "I really need one of those new clippy things for my badge at work!"

He looked confused. I apparently had neglected to tell him the story.

Which is rare.

Maybe he just didn't hear the story.

Which would make more sense.

I had a retractable badge holder. This is very important because I use my badge to get in and out of doors etc. Doors I use frequently.

I started explaining to him that my badge had broken and that I had to make one for myself out of a safety pin and a rubberband.

I didn't think it was that funny.

He laughed and laughed.

The safety pin and rubber band combo is not that effective, as I have to lean over quite far to open a door or have to unpin it, which is annoying.

He laughed some more.

See that is the thing. If his very important badge holder broke he would go out at lunch and replace it. I didn't.

But I betcha I will get one in my stocking.

1 comment:

NC badge holder said...

I would be lost without my retractable badge holder. What a great stocking stuffer. I'll remember the rubber band trick though in case my breaks. Ingenious.