Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Controversial Monday: Homicide?

I was removing the kid's DVD the other day and the tv flipped over to the news.

Deacon and I caught part of a news story about a family whose vehicle was hit by a drunk driver going the wrong way. The mom was 8 months pregnant and the baby died.

Deacon was concerned about the whole ordeal and was asking me questions. I pointed out that it was a good lesson to learn: 1. don't drive drunk and 2. wear your seatbelt.

I don't know what the fallout will be, but originally they were talking about charging the drunk driver with vehicular homicide for the death of the unborn baby.

Ironic, isn't it, that if the Mom wants the baby the death of it is considered homicide.

But if the mom decides to have an abortion, that is her choice and murder is not on the table.

This all seems inconsistent.

Life suddenly is not protected because it is life - but only if it is desirable life.

It kind of makes me mad.


Lauren said...

I couldn't agree more! I spend Monday evenings volunteering at the Crisis Preg Center med clinic in Terre Haute doing u/s and I'm always floored when the girls tell me that they are totally against abortion, would never do it...unless the one-night-stand is the father...and in that case, that's the only option. I have found myself praying alot with these girls and hope that I am helping them to see the importance of life.

Irritated by that too said...

It's not the Rule of Law. It's law applied according to arbitrary preference. It's not how it's supposed work.

Unknown said...

I thought the same thing when I heard the news...oh now it is a it isn't...
At least they do consider it a life in this case. I would be really upset if it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

I am glad God doesn't act or think like a human. He valued all life so much that he died for it. He died for those of us who sin a little and for those who sin a lot. Kind of like babies who are only a little inconvenient and babies who are a lot inconvenient. Heidi

Lesley said...

I agree with you 100%. It makes me mad too. Life should be protected no matter what!