Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Snow and Cold

Winter makes me crabby.

It didn't used to.

But now there are constant issues.

Cars that won't start when it is below 20.

Which is like every day.

Bad traffic.

Pretty much both rush hours.


A lot.

Mittens, hats, coats and boots.


Snow puddles on the floor.


Single parenting.



Noah gets tired of sitting in traffic. I get tired of him being home late.

His car is having the same problems it did last January. And they don't make a block heater for the model he has.

Whine, whine, whine.

I am sorry.

I am grateful that we have 2 vehicles. I am grateful that we both have jobs. I am grateful that we have parents with an extra car they will let us use. I am grateful that we have friends that will come and help us push the vehicle around.

But it is just one of those days.

And honestly, sometimes I don't know if I can handle living in this cold, dark state another winter.


On the funny side, Deacon was singing "We Three Kings" today. This is what I heard him sing, "...field and fountain and probably deserts following yonder star." He went on and ended with "Guide us through this perfect night". Then he asked me if that was right, because he was pretty sure it was probably a perfect night.


I did manage to make truffles with the kids, wrap presents and frost cut out cookies all by myself today. I was a little stressed, but it was ok.

Then during dinner I had an incident with the broiler on the oven and the smoke detectors went off for 15 minutes. That is what Noah came home too.



How is that for an uplifting post?

Oh well, maybe tomorrow will be brighter...


Unknown said...

well at least you blogged today to make Noah happy, right? So the car didn't start yet, huh? Think about all you would miss if you didn't live in the state...family, friends, etc. Every state has its problems(:

Rachel said...

Sorry for all the cold weather troubles - we're all there with you! Our power went out for an hour the other day and I was freaking out (home alone with the boys and power co. telling me that it was a major outage - for a small town- and not knowing when it would be back on)

Were the truffles from The Pioneer Woman? Paul made those last weekend - yum! In fact the word verification word on here is "pastry"

Grandpa Chris said...

If you move down south there would be fire ants & venomous snakes in the vacant lot next door. We already know Deacon will try to pick up a snake. Besides, I'm sure you wouldn't want to leave your in-laws with nothing to do on Friday nights.

Thia said...

I really hope your day is getting better. Here, we're watching the snow fall. Well, kind of. The snow is caked onto the windows.

Bobby said...

as an observation... isn't it uncanny how incredibly good looking said friends that come over to help push vehicles happen to be. Stunning really. Oh...and such humility as well!

southern relative said...

Chris, you forgot to mention the brown recluse and black widow spiders!

Elise said...

Hey Julie, where is the house you are coveting?