Friday, December 5, 2008

How to show your little boys (and big boys!) that you love them

1. Throw balls at them. often. I am completely serious about this! Nothing says "I love you" to a boy like a ball thrown in his direction. It is letting them know that you are ready to play with him, to engage him, to love him.

2. Refer to them as super-heros

3. Buy them swords

4. Cuddle with them

5. Let them play with your hair

6. Eat popcorn with them while you watch their favorite shows (even if you can't STAND Sid the Science Kid or Submarine movies)

7. Play the kind of football that is mostly tackling

8. Let them help you and greatly praise their efforts

9. Sing them songs. Even when they act like they are all tough and don't like it.

10. Act amazed by their achievements

Anyone have any to add?


Rachel said...

Great post! I have two boys (17 months apart) oldest is almost two so I need all the tips I can get...the ball thing is so true! Found your blog through Joolee and Heather of the EO.

Heather of the EO said...

I love this post. So true! But I actually think Sid the Science Kid is hilarious. Especially while eating popcorn. I'm weird.