Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pictures from the Past

I came across these pictures in a file that my sister had given me.  This was a couple (few?) years ago and Lincoln was probably 4.  You know that 4 year old boys love to wear capes, don't you?  I had forgotten this park, but I am sure the girls would love it!  I need to add it to my "summer to-do list" for sure!

I got to hang out with this little boy on a "date" today.  He seemed very pleased to be alone with me, even though he didn't have a lot to say at the beginning.  By the end of our time together he was more chatty. 

His teachers say he is a driven learner and that he is very kind to his classmates.  He is always trying to keep up, to succeed, to be better than the other boys, even if they are older.  He has a stubborn way about him, and an inborn ability to doggedly keep trying until he masters whatever it is that he wants to do.

We tell him he doesn't have to, to just be 6- but telling him doesn't really seem to help.  So I try to encourage his play with his sister- where he can just play at a slower pace with less competition.  He is adaptable, fitting in well with everyone in the family.  With Deacon he plays rough and tumble and sports.  With Roman he plays legos and pretend.  With Berean he looks at books or does hidden pictures or plays duplos.  With Ever he is silly.

I hope that what he is learning as a  middle child and the youngest boy of 3 will serve him well in life.

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