Then when I went to see who won the contest I had to grant my husband a "you were right" because my point system did not work well enough to declare a definitive winner.
But after a series of charts were made, and a few consultations were finished it has been decided that the prize should go to Laura for her guess of Girl (exact) 7lbs 12oz (2 oz off), 20 inches (exact) and date of 3-6 (1 day off). Peter came in a close second and could arguably be the winner- but if he complains I will give him a candy bar.
So congratulations Laura! I will be contacting you so I can get your prize in the mail!
I already have too many kitchen gadgets and eat too much candy, but how did I end up second when I have the same # of points as the "winner" and no tiebreaker was specified? ;-)
You lost the unspecified tie breaker. Tough break man!
Well, people might think it was rigged if a family member won. Love the new header, btw!
I love the pictures- of the 4 and of Berean with pink monkey!
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