Saturday, October 10, 2009

Controversial Monday, a little early

I don't know how controversial this is, but it should be fun!

One of our local radio stations had a fear factor like gimmick on this week. I won't bore you with the details - only that it sparked a lot of discussion between Noah and I about which of these 5 situations is the most scary.

1. Riding on one of those underneath roller coasters (or any other scary, intense, no pregnant women kind of rides)

2. Holding a Tarantula, Boa Constrictor and Hissing cockroach

3. Standing in a hockey goal (with full gear on) taking shots from a professional hockey player.

4. Eating foods like Squid eyes, lung, tongue and other such delicacies

5. Creating and performing your own stand up routine at a comedy club.

Gotta tell you, number 1 scares me to death. I hope no one ever offers me lots of money to go sky diving or on certain rides, because as much as I would want the money; I don't know if I could make myself do it.

Number 2? Creepy yes, but I would do it.

Number 3 is also scary to me, but it is very quick and I doubt I could get out of the way fast enough, so as long as I was initially on the ice I would be ok.

Eating gross food? I don't know. That is pretty nasty and I am not sure.

The stand up routine would be bad and I am sure not funny, but I don't think it would ruin me forever, so I would do it.

Noah has surprisingly different answers.

What about you? Which would be the easiest for you, which would be the hardest and why?


Momma Bear said...

None of them seem super scary to me even though I'm afraid of heights, I have done that kind of roller coaster. I think if I had to eat a large bug or crawly creature, perhaps. But out of those you listed I think the comedy standup one would be the hardest for me only b/c that is/was one of the professions I seriously think about at times (i'm not going to but...) so it gets me nervous and scared to think about it.

Billi Jo said...

I would do any of the aforementioned activities...for a price. However eating questionable delicacies would require a higher fee, but still tolerable.

Shelob creeped me out said...

I could handle any of that stuff I think, with more or less levels of enjoyment depending on what it was...except for that tarantula.

Why do you think I live here where it snows in early October?

Elise said...

1 and 3 might actually be fun, 2 wouldn't be too bad as long as it wasn't a biting creature, 5 would be embarrassing and I'm sure not funny at all coming from me, but I would do it for the right price, so I think that leaves 4 as the only one I would really have a hard time with. Given enough of an incentive, there aren't many things I wouldn't try to eat, but I'm pretty sure my gag reflex would stop me from being able to actually accomplish it.

Johanna said...

oh definitely #2...I just can't do spiders! they totally petrify me! comedy...well, I think I'm funny; eating strange foods...gross, but as long as they weren't spiders I think I could close my eyes and eat them; the hockey pucks would hurt, but still not terrifying; and rides scare me, but if I had to pick between a ride and a spider, the ride would win 99% of the time. I'm not sure why it wouldn't the other 1%, but I figure I might have some inconsistencies!

Unknown said...

#1 might be the hardest for me...I think I probably would throw-up...and that is no fun! I kill spiders, etc for my friends....

LS said...

The eating and the holding. I could handle everything else.