Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5 Things You'd Think I Would Know By Now

1. Leaving an open container of sugar on the kitchen counter is a bad idea. Always.

2. You must NEVER say, "well, we will have next weekend to finish the deck. It is not going to snow THIS early"

3. Don't throw clothes over the dressing room wall. The tag may hit someone in the eye.

4. Cuddling with your 2 year old nightly is an good way to break him of his excellent sleep habits.

5. That there MUST be a moment where a sword fight is stopped and a truce is called- if you miss that moment, it will undoubtedly end in tears.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Love this post! Especially the bit about the sword fight. Reminds me of when Noah and I were little.