Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

Hello all. This is mostly Julie's blog, but I do still have a set of keys to the [proverbial] front door.

Last night Julie was at work and I was home getting the boys some dinner. Deacon was wearing his Spiderman pajamas and Roman was wearing Batman. Deacon informed me that, in keeping, Lincoln should probably start dressing as Superman.

The other day at the park, we were "playing super-heroes." Deacon was Spiderman. Roman was Spiderman Too. Two other boys were Spiderman III and Batman. "Dad, who are you going to be?"

"I don't know, I hadn't given it any thought." Batman is a pretty cool, but I don't need to be Batman Too. Superman is lame. Daredevil? The boys don't need any more ideas. Ironman is pretty cool, but I don't know all that much about him. How about something more obscure? Ooooh, I know The Shadow.

"Okay Deacon, I'm The Shadow."

"Who is that? Is he a super-hero?"

"Well, sorta, I guess. He fights bad guys, but he doesn't really have super powers, just lots of money like Batman." I guess that answer was satisfactory, just as long The Shadow wasn't some sort of super-villain.

So later, we're running around "saving people who are being attacked" by the super-villains, and Deacon is yelling, "Shadow! Shadow! Come over here!" And I'm like, what are you yelling about? Then someone reminded me, "You're The Shadow, remember?"

Oh yeah. First of all, yes, I hadn't completely suspended reality and gotten in character. I'll admit it. I did better after that camer to my attention. Second of all, a person just doesn't go around personally addressing The Shadow like, "Yo Shadow, what's up." The Shadow is referred to in the third person as The Shadow. He doesn't consort with anyone else long enough for anyone to address him in the first person. I guess he was never invited to join The Justice League or the Avengers.

Back to last night; we're eat dinner, just us boys, and Deacon brings up the subject of super-heroes and getting Link a costume. Then he turns to me during his ramble and asks, "Dad, when did you get into The Shadow?"

"Excuse me?"

"You know, when we play super-heroes, you're the The Shadow. When did you get into him? Did you watch him when you were a kid?"

It's just funny to hear my words and phrases applied by my four year old, like "get into".

I told him I had read a few books in high school and that The Shadow used to be on the radio a very (very) long time ago. The conversation progressed from there, most of which I'll spare you. But then I asked him why Spiderman was his favorite super.

I kid you not, this is what he said. He told me, "Well dad, when I was a kid, I stared getting into super-heroes, and that's when I heard about Spiderman and the Green Goblin."

"But why do you like Spiderman best?"

"Because dad, when I was a kid, I got into Spiderman and the Green Goblin!"

I guess it was just love at first sight, though he's awfully into Spiderman for a guy who's never seen the movies, the TV show or the comic books.

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