Saturday, May 10, 2008

Kid Story and Danielle

Deacon asked me the other day, "mom, are you jealous because Roman and I are such good friends?" I told him that I wasn't, that I was glad they were good friends. But he kept pestering me about it. We discussed what jealousy was and he seemed to know. Finally he said, "mom, why ARE you jealous then?!" I didn't know I was. I felt a little like I had just been cross examined in court and I didn't really know what I had admitted.

The next day he told Noah that he and I had been using our imaginations and then proceeded to try to get Noah to admit that Noah would be jealous if Deacon and Roman were friends and if they weren't friends with him. I am not sure where he came up with this jealousy thing.

One thing that I have discovered about moms is that it is such an all encompassing task that it can define everything about you if you let it. I think about the moms I talk casually to in the park. I know their names, their childbirth experiences, potty training horror stories, what they are going to cook for dinner, what they use for birth control and what their HUSBAND'S hobbies are. I don't know what their hobbies are (unless they are scrapbooking about their children or going to garage sales for their children, or volunteering in their older child's home room).

But Danielle has hobbies that don't include her children, and they are very interesting. She took ball room dance lessons, she is a tea connoisseur, and she has a lot of costumes. We discovered that one day at playgroup when one of the moms was trying to figure out what to wear to a halloween gig. Flapper from Roaring 20s? Danielles got it. Pirate costume? Danielles got it. A maiden from the Orient? Danielles got it.

But she is also adept at making her home a haven. She is actually creative with home decorations and food and is able to do it all without breaking the budget. Oh, and she likes candles. (and not because she like to play with fire, which is the only reason I would ever burn a candle - no, she appreciates their subtle aromas and colors and what they remind her of.) So, Happy Mother's Day Danielle! I applaud your creativity and I appreciate the way you love your home and kids!

**Oh, by the way, I kept thinking of more and more moms friends I could highlight. But then I got overwelmed. So I am sticking to my longtime (2 year) playgroup mom friends.** I should be done in a few days and back to my normal posts!

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