I love doing these "Day in the Life Posts" along with Laura and company! I don't know why I like to read about the days of random strangers, but somehow it is therapeutic. Or something.
Noah- husband
Everyn-4 months
Whoo-hoo! It is my weekend off! I always have tons of things that I want to get done and I always want to get an early start...unfortunately, when Saturday morning rolls around I am usually exhausted (I work Thursday night shift so Friday night sleep is "catch-up" as well as maintenance).
At 8:58 I decide it is probably time to get up. Noah is already downstairs and Everyn has been in bed with me for about a 1/2 hour for her morning nursing session. The boys are running around the house and Berean is just waking up. Berean hasn't been napping, and her night time sleep has been lengthening.
Hanging with a sweet baby is a great way to start the morning!
Everyn usually stays awake for maybe 45 minutes in the morning before jamming her fingers in her mouth and going back to sleep.
I head down to the kitchen where Noah is cooking. The boys are ready to head outside. Too bad it is a cold and miserable day. Deacon asks me for a hair cut, so I grab the clippers and we head out to the deck.
The 2 younger boys are traumatized by the clippers and prefer their Grandma to cut their hair with a scissors. Deacon is brave, however, and sits nicely for his hair cut.
Meanwhile, Roman pokes around the kitchen. I wish he would unload all those dishes while he hunts for food!
Deacon with his crew cut! I like my boys to have short hair. Not only does it look nice and neat, but they swim a lot and the chlorine is pretty hard on their hair.
The kids had already eaten their eggs, cereal and toast for breakfast. This is a half eaten bowl of the fabulous egg/mushroom/onion concoction that Noah made up for me. I love that he cooks.
0945: Deacon and I head out the door so I can take him to his choir practice. I drop him off and return some library books and mail some letters. Then I drive around trying to figure out where our oil change people moved to. I have an appointment, and I know approximately where the new location is, but the lack of a sign makes it a challenge.
I drop the car off and briefly talk with my neighbor who is picking his car up. Interesting how the place has a new location but they still have their old humorless personalities. I get my ipod cranked up and leave the oil change place on a run. Due to some boring logistical details, and the fact that I hadn't brought my phone (because I didn't want to carry it on my run), I ran home (2.7 miles) stuck my head in the door and told Noah that I was running back. Then I ran back (2.7 miles) and picked up the car. It wasn't the 8 mile run I was planning on, but there are hills involved and it still turns out to be a good workout. I pick Deacon up from choir practice and we head for home.
Meanwhile, Noah gives Berean her bath...
plays some Pokemon with the boys...
and pulls Berean off of things.
It cracks me up when the boys come together after being apart. Here they are in the living room chatting about all the things that happened that morning.
I nurse Everyn and talk Pokemon with Deacon. Lincoln and Berean play Memory and Everyn joins them when she is done eating.
Deacon spends a lot of time reading now and that is fun to see! Roman is wandering around somewhere or playing downstairs by himself.
Ever just hanging out in the middle of everything!
Noah has been busy cleaning up the kitchen, and calls out that the sink is clogged. Too many eggshells. Good thing I am an expert at unclogging the sink, since I have to do it a lot. I take the pipes apart, get everything unclogged and running smoothly. Noah leaves on his run.
Lincoln is sent out to bring the compost to the compost pile. He loves feeding the worms.
Everybody eats lunch and we get the presents together for a birthday party for one of Deacon's friends. Deacon makes an origami penguin for the card.
1345: Time to go to the party! This time Everyn comes with Deacon and I. We drop Deacon off at his friend Josh's house and I get to see their new countertops and backsplash. Fun! Everyn and I then head over to Kohls to spend our Kohl's cash. I pick up new minimalist shoes for Deacon and a present for my niece's birthday. Today is car maintenance day, so next it is on to the tire place. The wait is an hour and a half, but I decide to do it because waiting with just Everyn beats going on a weekday with all of the kids.
The tire guy is chatty about Everyn. Tire guys are often not chatty about babies, but this guy and his wife had just had a baby so he was all into names and cuteness etc. Of course we need new tires, so I ok all of that and we sit down to wait. It actually is a nice wait. The baby nursed and dozed, I read a book and make a couple of quick phone calls.
At 1615 the car is done. I gotta get Deacon by 1700 and his friend's house is right by the tire place. I read in the car a little and call Noah to check in and then head over to get Deacon. Deacon had a good time at the birthday party- they had gone to one of those indoor trampoline places and that kind of thing is right up his alley.
At home I get the report that Berean had napped, and the boys and Noah had played some more games. Screen time had commenced and Deacon joins right in. I check email/blogs/facebook. Yes, this is my messy office corner of our bedroom. I need more space! There is so many of us living here...or maybe I just need to be neater...
We eat supper (maybe hamburgers on the grill? I can't remember) and I propose a 20 minute clean. The whole family, minus Everyn, cleans for 20 minutes straight. I had boys unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming and picking up toys and Noah was busy scrubbing bathrooms.
It looks so nice!
Lincoln showing off his work.
Lincoln jumping on a mattress. For some reason the boys spent the weekend sleeping on their mattress on the floor. They like to change it up periodically.
Oh, here are Deacon's new minimalist shoe. He loves them.
Berean is just hanging out. Her job was to line up the shoes, which she did with great zeal. I was concerned about her elephant purse strangling her, so I tied some knots in it (after this picture). She was not happy.
Cleaning up the kitchen. I sweep the floor about 5 times a day. It should be 10.
After everything is clean, Noah and I put the girls to bed. Then Deacon and Noah and I sit down to play Settlers of Catan while the younger boys play Wii. Deacon picks up on the game very quickly and actually ends up beating us.
We end the evening with a snack of brownies....
and then after a jumping chestbump, the boys head off to bed.
I forgot to document what happened after the picture, but I am sure we probably stayed up too late. Maybe we watched a movie. I just can't remember...
Love it:)
Always so enjoy seeing your days!
I love that you've got your 3 boys teaming up with you to clean the house. We're working on our 4 and 2-year-old girls. It's hard to motivate them to clean their playroom at the end of the day and to get them to make their beds in the morning. But I hope one day our persistence will pay off.
You have a beautiful family!
And I'm tired...looks like you stay busy :)
Racheael, I bet your persistence will pay off- it was a long time coming (it felt like) but now the boys can clean something up in no time flat (if properly motivated)! They get "screentime" at 5:00, but the family room needs to be picked up before it can start.
I love that both you and your husband make time in the day for things like running especially with 5 kids. Makes me feel like I have no excuse with one child.
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