Thursday, March 6, 2008

Adult Humor

Typically on my site I only talk about my kids. Occasionally, however, Noah or I have an experience worth noting. Most of Noah's antics involve the law and him being on the wrong side of it. For that reason I try to keep those stories on the D.L. If you want to know anymore about that you will have to ask me in person or on a secure phone line.

Since we now have kids we have had to become more careful about how we phrase things etc so as to set a good example of appropriate, socially acceptable behavior. Despite our good efforts, our 4 year old sometimes still chooses to not wear underwear and announce to the entire YMCA poolside deck crowd, "Even my penis is cold!"

Our new favorite "cloaked" insults are "They just have a severe case of O.D.D" (sounds like a serious diagnosis, doesn't it? One that is probably not appropriate to ask about any further...) and in traffic

"I.D.-10-T"- that one sounds just like a secret code!

Tonight we were talking about something and mentioned that a particular person had a lot of relationship baggage. Noah said, "that is why I married didn't have any bags for me to carry around". I laughed and said, "The only bags I have are filled with your crap..." ahh... how true it is! (most of my boxes too...)

The amazing birthday list, the underwear dilemma and the top 10 garage sale finds will be coming this weekend. Stay tuned!

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