Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Queen

I almost have my June goals planned out and ready to post...tomorrow...

For now, I will leave you with Berean AKA Queen Elsa!  She planned her Elsa costume herself- good thing we have blue surgical towels and blue nitrile gloves just waiting for all her costuming needs!
Everyn is very impressed by the costume

The gloves really make the outfit


Unknown said...

love it...still haven't watched the movie yet... maybe we can watch it together- B :)

The Three 22nds said...

I am sure she would love to watch it with you!

Elise said...

Love the gloves! Funny how the movie Frozen has made blue a MUCH more popular color in our house. It used to be pink and only pink, but now blue is pretty cool too.

EDW said...

Good creativity! Better than having the "real" costume!