Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Goals!

Spring is always such a crazy time of year around here- so many things coming to an end and also so many new things starting.  Yard work is added to housework and no one wants to do anymore school.  We'll see what happens with the weather and everything else!


*Finish memorizing James
*Fruit of the Spirit study
*continue Keys for Kids with the kids nightly
*Read Mark with kids
*Read 4 books (2 of them are half done)
*Blog 18 times
*Write Noah and my story

Exercise (this is planned to be a more relaxed month, since my days will not be as routine driven this month as they usually are)

*Barre class
*Run/walk/skate 90 miles
*Swim 2 miles
*1 mile of lunges
*lift weights 10 times
*400 push ups
*7 mile trail run

Home stuff

*Main floor trim
*Clean carpets
*call contractor to discuss addition
*clean out basement
*clean out garage
*implement daily/weekly jobs
*continue with "Mother's helper" days
*get rid of 7 things a day
*seasonal clothes exchange
*wash and put away snowpants/boots/mittens
*Smoke detectors
*oil change Suburban
*Picture deleting
*Deacon's book
*Everyn's book

*Attend bridal shower with work friends
*Race with Noah
*2 day continuing ED class with friend from work
*dates with kids

*Deacon's test
*Finish up majority of school for year
*Spring Break!

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