Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Catching Up

We got back from Chicago just in time to deal with a melting freezer/fridge. Noah had Monday and Tuesday off, so we have been spending time in the yard and playing catch up in the house. Oh, and preparing and hosting a 4th of July Celebration. We can see fireworks from our front yard, well, those of us who choose to brave the swarming mosquitos can see them from our front yard, anyway.

But, Noah is back to work and I am trying to get back into my routine.

Before I forget,

Deacon has been talking a lot about "when you abandon us". Now, we think it stems from the fact that he has read books about children without parents who are "on their own" etc. As far as we can tell, he doesn't really think we are going to abandon him. Anyway, he says stuff like this, "I suppose when you abandon us I will have to get a job first. And then a house. And insurance. And some toys to keep my brothers occupied. Then I will need some stilts." We asked him why he needed stilts.

"so I can help my brothers cross the street and so that the cars will see us", was the reply.

I guess I do often tell him that they are too short for cars to see well, etc. And we are always telling them that we have to pay for other things before we can spend money on toys. Maybe he is slowly learning.

And, although I have no interest in trying it- I think Deacon could rise to the challenge if needed :)


Elise said...

If ever there was a seven year old I'd put in charge of a household, it'd be Deacon!

The Three 22nds said...

Today my mom was giving Berean a bath, and he stepped over and asked her "Did you make sure the water was not too hot for her?" and then put his arm in to check it.

On the other hand, he did also trickle milk on Bre's head this morning. Where did that come from?