Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ups and downs of life in our household

We have had a hard few days. The 2 little ones had MD appointments and got vaccinations and Roman got blood drawn. Roman is also getting his 2 year old molars. Needless to say, there has been a lot of crying going on around here! (and it hasn't all been the children...)

Roman did refer to himself as "Ro" for the first time though, so that is exciting. In between screaming, Lincoln has moments of happiness, true laughter and smiles. Maybe I should say that inbetween his happiness there are moments of depends on the day I guess. Deacon is very happy with this Awana program, his swimming lessons and his friends. Next things to get him to love are vegetables and getting his pajamas on. (he says he is tired of putting his pajamas on everyday...he has a life of boredom ahead of him unless he can adjust his attitude...)

Thank goodness there are 2 of us- Noah is putting them to bed right now. We are so thankful for our friends and family too! Thanks mom for coming over and helping out today! We will show you the picture of the duck using the 'puter tomorrow! (Deacon saw a picture of a duck using a computer and he started laughing and laughing and said, "we've got to show this to grandma".)


Unknown said...

ok this is weird!the blog must be in Portuegse or something...I mean your blog is in english but when I went to write a comment there is no english! So hopefully what I type will be in english! I think Deacon just knows mom has a good sense of humor and would find a duck on a computer funny!

The Three 22nds said...

Deacon also thinks the turtles (the Slowskis) using the 'puter on the Comcast commercials are hilarious.