Tuesday, September 4, 2012


It was our first day of homeschool today.

Deacon is a third grader, Roman in first.

Lincoln is a Kindergartner,

And Berean must do it all.

I had to work last night, so my mom managed most of school this morning.

I don't have any pictures of my kids on their first day.

No little signs with their ages, no chalkwork stating their new grades.

But I did make them put shirts on before we started,

that is something, right?


Unknown said...

haha and you could always take a picture on a pretend first day:)

Grandma Debbie said...

Oh how I laughed when I read "Berean must do it all." I like Karla's idea. Or you could take first week of school photos. Hand Lincoln the camera and you'll get some interesting shots.