Once again I haven't blogged for awhile...
My days are constant motion - juggling between kids, house, yard, husband, papers, work, schedules, family, fun. I thought things may be quieter after school let out, but that has not proved to be the case!
So, what's been going on?
-My sister came home from Thailand for the summer.
-The bank accepted our offer on the lot adjacent to our currently owned empty lot which is adjacent to the lot that our house is on.
-We are doing a little school everyday, but I really want this summer to be fun! So we are having fun.
-I worked 5 shifts in a row over the weekend. That is a lot of shifts to be away from my bed.
Here is a mid year Christmas letter report:
Noah is the coach-pitcher for Deacon's Little League Team. I like to introduce my self as "the wife of the hottest pitcher in the Little League". Ok, so I don't really do that but I kind of feel like I have two kids on the team. Only one of them isn't a kid. He is hot, though. Noah has also been spearheading the lot buying process, made necklaces for Mother's Day and became a proud member of Costco. Oh, and he has been buying me birthday presents- which, according to Deacon, cost "more than $90".
Like I said, I worked 5 night shifts in a row which means that I watched a lot of infomercials for INSANITY. I own the Insanity DVDs and I got re energized to start them again. I have been discouraged about my exercise. I was doing really well, lost all my weight and also lost some of my milk supply. So I quit working as hard, but I am kind of an all or nothing person and so I have been having a hard time finding that balance.
D is hilarious. Seriously, that kid is quirky and funny. He still has a lot of energy, but he is a big help to me. My proudest moment as a parent this week? D had bought a Bakugan with some of his allowance. This was basically his first purchase since he saved and saved to buy his DS. A few days after he bought it he was looking at it and he glanced up at me and said, "I kind of wish I hadn't bought this and had my $7 back". I have high hopes that he will be a solid financial decision maker some day :)
We were talking about something the other day and he referred to a friend's uncle who "was with the police". I love the phrasing, hence the title of the post. Deacon is playing Little League this year and he is having a good time.
R started Tee ball tonight. He has a great many skills and is a really quick thinker. I told him that he had to read his own books for the library reading program. It is amazing how quickly he can read when he has a "mission" with a desirable goal. Roman doesn't really like to walk, and you should have seen his face when I told him that maybe the monorail at the zoo was going to leave us at the end and we were going to have to walk back. It was mean, prehaps, but he was so happy when I told him that I was kidding, it may have added to his appreciation of the rest of the ride.
L is the quiet one. He is speaking much better now, but of all his brothers he tends to hide his feeling and thoughts more. He loves to learn and is so proud when he does new things. He is one determined kid! I never realized it before, but his degree of "stick-to-it-ive-ness" that he has may put him in the running as our most stubborn kid. We started him in swimming lessons and he has been working and and working at it and making great strides.
B loves pink. A lot. She really loves being outside. And her Elmo pajamas. She talks, she sings, she tries to run the family. We will go on a walk and if she sees a car she says, "car coming!" It is super cute. She :"talks" to other little girls that we encounter, which the boys never did. We were at the zoo today and she studies everything very carefully.
E is a chubby baby. She finally started rolling over and sitting up a little but she is pretty happy to be held and put things in her mouth. She is not super motivated. Well, she is not super motivated looking until you put something near her and then suddenly she goes all ninja and the item magically is in her mouth. It is a gift, I tell you. She gets to start eating in 13 days, and I am pretty sure she is excited about that.
I have some pictures of "fun summer" to post...hopefully soon!