Saturday, October 6, 2007

and time keeps marching on...

It is amazing how fast the last 4 1/2 months have gone since Lincoln was born. Some days seem endless...but the weeks and months are going fast!

We have been contemplating moving into a bigger place, possibly building. Those thoughts, along with getting a new exterior from hail damage and the continual dejunking of our house and the constant clothing rotation is keeping us busy! It seems like every few weeks I am going through the boys closet and removing items that don't fit or changing the seasons. Why do I bother? deacon has favorites and nothing else gets worn. he doesn't care about seasons either.

Roman is started to vocalize his preferences for clothing too. And other things. We were at Target this week and deacon asked me very politely if we could go in the blue doors- (we usually go in the green doors). I agreed and started driving to the other end of the parking lot. From the backseat I hear "green do, green do' Roman threw an absolute fit because he wanted to go in the green door like we usually do! it was sort of cute though because he is just starting to put 2 words together. We have definately been discovering that while Deacon likes his "same old" clothes and food- he is more up for changing other things, like parking by new doors etc. Roman likes his routine and he does not like change. I have a feeling that we are going to see that character trait all the more strongly as time goes on.

Lincoln rolled over this week! He is so proud of himself!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Roman I agree with you the green doors are so much better than the blue doors at Target.
way to go Lincoln!