Deacon was pretending to be superman today and took a leap off the couch. Unfortunantly his face landed on the binoculars he had around his neck and now he has a loose front (baby!) tooth. We are praying that he doesn't lose it- he still has quite a few years until his permanent one will come in!
The boys helped me deliever meals-on-wheels the last couple of days. They took great pride in helping hand the people the meals. Deacon would tell them, "when it is my birthday I am going to be 4!) One time after Deacon said that, Roman ran up to the door (bike helmet and all) and stood there with one hand up in the air shifting his weight like he wanted to make an announcement. Finally he said, "2" I explained to the lady that Roman wanted to make sure she knew that he was 2- he verified that is in fact what he was trying to get across.
Deacon was building with legos the other day and I came to help him finish. I said, "you did a nice job, maybe you want to finish this part yourself". He started singing this song which sounded rather mournful, "sometimes it is hard to do things all by yourself". Maybe when he is a little older we can write "Deacon's life: THe Musical". I am sure that it would be a best seller!
Lincoln really likes to roll over. Some days it feels like all he does is fuss and roll :) He is pretty happy if he has attention. He likes Kids Stuff at the YMCA because they have comfy swings and people to just admire him. Unfortunantly at home he is pretty discontented about his lot in life. I think that he will be much happier when he can get around on his own a little more.
Roman , well Roman is happy as long as he has his "Cars" cars. He carries them around in his Elmo lunchbox, then takes them out and drives them around or puts them somewhere else, then puts them back in the lunchbox. Oh, I forgot- je screams if anyone comes within 2 feet of them, at least if it is someone he considers a threat to their safety.