Noah's side of the family all wanted to go Christmas Tree Hunting a couple of weekends ago. I already had a commitment, so it was decided that Noah and the boys would go with his parents and siblings on the Great Hunt and Berean and I would stay home.
I pulled Deacon and Roman close before they left. "Boys", I whispered, "do not let Daddy get a short, fat tree. If he shows you one say, 'no, Daddy, Mommy says we have to find a tall and skinny one!'"
I do not like short, fat trees. And Noah does. It has been a matter of debate for the last 9 years- basically ever since we lived in a house that allowed "was-living-before-we-cut-it-down trees".
And the skinny part? Well, our living room isn't exactly huge and I prefer to not have 1/4 of it occupied by a pokey, decorative object.
Remember the Winnie-the-Pooh story when Pooh gets stuck and so they use his legs to hang towels on while they wait for him to lose weight?
If something is just hanging out in your living room, it does seem prudent for it to be useful.
But I digress.
I don't even like Winnie-the-Pooh.
After a very long hunt they arrived home with a tree.
Well actually they didn't.
I asked Noah, "where is the tree?"
He said he wasn't sure but he imagined that Bro-in-law had either dumped it on our driveway or would be dumping it on our driveway at some point in the very near future.
And so he did.
Noah hauled it in.
It is a monster and actually a very beautiful tree.
I had the camera out while we were hanging ornaments. Unfortunately I can't post very many pictures of that because we had a naked baby in the house, and she managed to streak her way into most of the pictures.
After the ornaments were on, however, the boys commandeered the camera. I was looking through the pictures and found these.
I like them.
I told the boys that the little boy who gave this to me was an absolute terror.
The boys love the snoopy and Woodstock ornament that commemorates our Engagement Anniversary- and it sits next to a homemade internally painted glass ball.
Deacon's homemade star and the Abelskiver Days commemorative ornament.
Noah's family likes expensive, glitzy ornaments. They are on the top of the tree.
All of our ornaments have a story and I love bringing them out every year and telling the boys about what each one means to me and about the relatives and friends that gave them to me.
Deacon's homemade star and the Abelskiver Days commemorative ornament.
Noah's family likes expensive, glitzy ornaments. They are on the top of the tree.
All of our ornaments have a story and I love bringing them out every year and telling the boys about what each one means to me and about the relatives and friends that gave them to me.
This is the first year that they were able to do some of that memory game stuff too- hopefully it will be a tradition that continues for years to come!
Thanks for the tour of your tree. I enjoyed seeing ornaments that used to be on our family tree when I was a kid and also nice to meet some new ones.
I know I generally prefer things that match and are more 'designed' so to speak, but I wouldn't trade our family tree full of mismatched ornament memories for anything!
The clothing choices of your children do not surprise me in the least. I have a two year old that I dress and redress more times in a day than I can count. Actually...when my husband isn't around, I let her just do her thing. He is insistent that she wear clothes b/c it does get a tad chilly in here at times. Personally...I get more done when not chasing her around.
I loved your tree and all the fun ornaments! :D
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